Part 21

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Jungkook's POV:

I woke with a huge headache. I saw around and for my surprise I was in my bedroom, in my bed. But as I remember I was in a bar, drinking. How did I come there?

My head was aching. It was so painful. When the door open, I was Jennie with a soft smile and tray in her hand.

Jennie: good morning (smiled)
Jungkook: good morning.
Jennie: I made you breakfast. I also bring medicine, you might have headache right?

Jungkook was kinda surprise. No one ever care about him that much.

Jennie: eat the breakfast and then have the medicine. You will feel better.

Jennie smiled at him and about to leave.

Jungkook: Jennie? (called)
Jennie: yes?
Jungkook: who brought me home last night?
Jennie: oh Jimin oppa did.
Jungkook: Jimin hyung? (Surprised)
Jennie: yeah. I was worried about you, so I called him and he brought you home.
Jungkook: so you were worried about me?
Jennie: I-I have some work. Eat well.

Jennie got shy and left, Jungkook softly smiled at her.

He finished the breakfast and had the medicine. He got freshen up and got ready for practice.

Jennie: where are you going?
Jungkook: for practice.
Jennie: oh I forgot to say, Jimin oppa cancel the practice today.

Jungkook nodded and about to go to his room when Jennie spoke.

Jennie: if you don't mind, we can go to the park for some fresh air.

Jungkook nodded. He actually needed some fresh air.

Other side

Tzuyu was in Jimin's apartment. Jimin told her to bring a file.

Tzuyu: that moron always love to make me harass. He didn't say how the file looks like. I should call him. (Annoyed)

She called Jimin but he didn't receive.

Tzuyu: great~ now he isn't picking up my calls. I guess I have to find it all by myself.

Tzuyu went to Jimin's room. She didn't hesitate as she already went there before. Jimin told her to bring something from his room once before. So it was a big deal.

She looked at the drawer and wonder what's inside in it. Jimin once warned her before not to touch that drawer. So she didn't.

She looked at the self where Jimin usually keep his important stuff. She was looking and found a red file.

She open to check if it's the file which he wanted. She opened the file as she read it, she was confused and surprised.

Tzuyu: what the heck!

She looked at the file very carefully.

Tzuyu: what is this?

At that time Jimin called her. She picked up the call.

Tzuyu: hello? (Answer)
Jimin: you called?
Tzuyu: yeah I am at your apartment, which file do you want?
Jimin: the blue one. And hurry up, don't waste time. (Coldly)
Tzuyu: then you should have told me that earlier.
Jimin: shut up and remember not to touch any other things.
Tzuyu: I know that's why I called. Idiot~
Jimin: you- (couldn't finished)

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