Part 32

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Jimin introduced his girlfriend to everyone. Jihyo was very surprised that her brother was actually dating but didn't tell her about it. But she was very happy for him.

Jihyo: I am so happy for you oppa. (Smiled and hugged him)

Everyone was very surprised but who was most effected by it was Jungkook. He was blanked. But he was happy for his hyung too. Jimin and Jungkook had an very close relationship. For Jimin, Jungkook has the same place as Jihyo. Jungkook thought his new crush for Rosé would soon fade as she already with someone else. Specially the someone was Jimin.

Three days later

They're finally in Seoul again.

Tae: Jimin why are you worrying so much?
Jimin: they're not here Tae.
Yoongi: they soon will. Just relax.
Jin: totally. Didn't you see their performance?
Namjoon: Jimin-ah don't worry.
Jimin: I can't stop worrying, until they come.
Tae: they are here...

Jimin turned around and saw Rosé and Jihyo came inside. Jimin immediately went to them and others too.

Jimin: how did it go? You guys got it? (Worried)
Rosé: I got it. I'm gonna have a debut.
Jimin: jinjaa? (Surprised)
Rosé: ne~ (happily)

He hugged her immediately. He was so happy for her.

Tae: that's a good news. What about you J? You got it too, right? (Confidently)

Jihyo was quite silent. Usually she is a very cheerful person.

Jimin: mandu? How was yours?
Jihyo: Oppa.... I... I didn't get it....

Everyone was shocked and felt bad for her.

Jimin: you okay?
Jihyo: ne oppa. (Smiled)
Jimin: of course. I know my mandu is very strong. She never loses hope. (Softly smiled)
Jihyo: ne.... (smiled back)
Jimin: let's go for dinner all together. Let's celebrate Rosé's debut.

The small dinner was for celebrating Rosé's soon debut and cheer Jihyo up.

In the dinner everyone was making jokes and laughing. Jimin sat between Rosé and Jihyo. Jungkook's eyes were only on Rosé. He wouldn't help himself around her. Thank goodness, no one noticed him staring.

Jimin: everyone eat well.
Jhope: oh we all will. (With Bright and wide smile)

Hobi looked at Jihyo and noticed her plate was empty as well as she wasn't eating.

Jhope: J, why aren't you eating? Your plate is empty.

Everyone noticed Jihyo. What Jhope was saying was correct. Jihyo wasn't eating.

Jihyo: oppa... I am not hungry. (Politely)
Jimin: why aren't you eating?
Jihyo: nothing oppa. I am not feeling to eat.
Jimin: why? Is your health okay? (Worried and cared)
Jihyo: I am totally fine oppa. I am just not hungry. Believe me.

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