Part 29

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Two weeks later

Jungkook's POV:
I was super happy this days. Begin with Jennie makes me feel happy. She is the one who I always wanted in my life.

Our life was going great. I always wake up in the morning by her my side. I find her in my arms hugging me tight. Which I always wanted. Everyday is special for me. We have breakfast together with laughter and sweet talks. Then we went to work together. Have lunch together. And after that we come back home together. We have dinner and lastly make love every night.

We are so happy together. I can't explain how much I am happy and in love with her. I love her so much and don't want to lose her. She promised me that she would never leave me. But still, I am afraid. I am afraid that someone might jinx our happiness.

Jimin's POV:
It's being three weeks, I am taking care of Rosé. Her condition is not the greatest. Day by day she becoming weak and ill. Doctors already warned that if her drinking habit doesn't stop, it might get worst.

I am really worried about her and feel bad. She always blame herself for losing the baby. Which is not. Having a miscarriage isn't her fault. It's just happened because it was already written. God planned everything.

I told her to tell the news to Jungkook. Jungkook should know, after all he is the father of the baby which doesn't exist anymore. He has full right to know about it. But she said no. She does want to involve him in her life anymore. I completely understand her. I don't think Jungkook could handle the situation well as he moving on in his life.

Jimin was in his thoughts when his door bell rang. He opened the door and saw it was Namjoon.

Jimin: hyung? You here?

Namjoon went inside and Jimin closed the door. Namjoon looked at him with a serious expression.

Namjoon: Jimin what's wrong with you? Where are you this days?
Jimin: what? Nothing happening hyung. (Nervously chuckled little)
Namjoon: seriously Jimin? You think I don't know where are you this days? (Folding his arms)
Jimin: what are you saying hyung?
Namjoon: I know you are with Rosé this days.

Jimin didn't argue anymore. He knew that he cannot lie to him.

Jimin: yes, I am with her.
Namjoon: why Jimin?
Jimin: it's something I can't tell you hyung.
Namjoon: if you don't want to say then it's fine. But do you know what is happening?
Jimin: yes I knew. Jennie and Jungkook are together. (Didn't seems bothered)

Namjoon was surprised that Jimin already knew about it.

Namjoon: you know?
Jimin: of course hyung. Isn't it obvious only by seeing them. I already notice it.
Namjoon: and you are okay with it?
Jimin: why would I bother hyung?
Namjoon: I thought you care about her? You sees her like J.
Jimin: of course I care about her. Not only because she reminds me of J but as herself. I love Jennie and it won't change ever.
Namjoon: then why are you okay with their relationship? (Confused)
Jimin: because Jungkook loves her too. He is happy with her and she seems too. Then who am I to ruin their relationship?
Namjoon: so you are again giving up?
Jimin: what to give up hyung? She wasn't mine in the first place. (Sadly chuckled)

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