Part 33

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Rosé: Jimin... I am pregnant.....
Jimin: wh-what?
Rosé: I am pregnant.....

Jimin stood up and ran his fingers on his hair.

Rosé: Jimin... babe ... I am really sorry. I don't know how this- I was very careful, taking the pills- (couldn't finished)

Jimin immediately hugged her. Rosé thought he was upset and angry at her. But no, he was very happy to hear about it.

Jimin: (broke the hug) babe you gave the best news. I can't believe, I'll be a dad soon.
Rosé: you are happy?
Jimin: of course I am. How can't I? Just thinking about a little you or me walking around is exciting me.
Rosé: what about your career? Your company?
Jimin: it's not matter. I know when ARMYs hear the good news they will be supportive and happy for us. And my company won't mind. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Rosé: no it won't! (Angrily)

Jimin was surprised by her reaction. He thought she would be happy as him but that wasn't it.

Rosé: how can you say that everything will be okay?
Jimin: babe... it's fine. I know you scared but it's okay. If anything bad happens, I am ready to leave my career. I just want to be with you and our baby.
Rosé: but what about me Jimin? What about my career? My career is just took off. My career will be destroy. I am sorry but I am not ready to have a baby. I am only 20 and I can't take this responsibility now.

Jimin was shocked. He didn't expect this.

Jimin: so your "career" is more than our love and our baby. (Quoted with fingers)
Rosé: Jimin I am just not ready.
Jimin: (bitterly chuckled) of course you aren't. And here I am wishing to start a family with you. You know that, go.... go and abort the baby. Save your career. That's more important. More important than our relationship. (Angrily)
Rosé: Jimin... (called)

Rosé called him but he didn't listen and left.

(Author: Before you judge Rosé, let me tell you it's not like that Rosé doesn't want kids. She does but not now. Having a baby is a big responsibility and some girls, ladies and women don't want to take the responsibility soon. In Rosé's perspective she is only 20 and just started her career. She thinks she is not ready yet. And it's pretty normal. I mean I am 24 and I'm not ready to go on a relationship. So I think is okay to think that.)

Rosé was sad. She thought Jimin would understand her but they ended up with an argument. She was upset sitting on a bench of a park. When someone called her.

???: Rosé?

Rosé looked at the person and recognized. It was Jungkook.

Rosé: oh Jungkook. Hey~
Jungkook: (sat beside her) are you okay? Did something happen?
Rosé: no-nothing.... I am totally fine... (avoiding eye contact)

Jungkook knew she was lying. He would see her red and fluffy eyes which was caused by the tears. Although she was hiding it perfectly with her mask and bucket hat. He didn't know what to do. But he wanted to help her, make her pain go away. He sighed.

Jungkook: look I know, I am not close to you that much. But if you want to talk, I am here. Otherwise I'm not forcing you.

He was about to leave when Rosé held his wrist to stop him. A smile appeared on his face which was hidden under his mask. Jungkook sat here and Rosé started crying. Seeing her like that, his heart was breaking a part.

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