Part 23

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Jenkook side

Jennie and Jungkook was in his room. Jennie checked the thermometer to check Jungkook's fever.

Jennie: you don't have fever now. Did you have your medicines? (Cared and worried)

Jungkook nodded.

Jennie: good. Headache. Do you have headache now? (Worried)

Jungkook shaked his head no.

Jennie: okay. You feel better now? (Worried)

Jungkook nodded again.

Jennie: okay. You don't have any pain or something, right? (Worried)

Jungkook shaked his head no again.

Jennie: (sighed relief) then all is okay.

Jungkook started chuckling.

Jennie: what happen?
Jungkook: nothing. You are very cute.

Jennie blushed by his comment.

Jennie: anyway, get some rest now.
Jungkook: actually I don't want to. I am really bored staying in bed the whole day.
Jennie: oh. Then what you want to do?
Jungkook: let's go out and get some fresh air.
Jennie: not at all. Your fever is just gone, you can't go out. I won't let you. You are staying in the house today.

Jungkook smiled how she ordered him and kinda scolded him too.

Jungkook: fine. We won't go but at least, we can see a movie in house?
Jennie: we can do that.
Jungkook: okay I select a movie, you go and get some popcorn.

Jennie gummy smiled and nodded. After she left, he chuckled.

Jungkook: such a cute little baby~

Jimin's side

Jimin: Tzuyu bring coffee for me.
Tzuyu: sure~

She bring the coffee and gave it to Jimin.

Jimin: it's so sweet. How many times I have to tell you, I don't like sweet coffee! (Angrily)
Tzuyu: I am so sorry. I'll change it right away.

She took the coffee and went to change. Jimin was surprised. She never listen him once and always argue with when he ordered her but today she was acting different.

Tzuyu bring the coffee and gave it to Jimin with a smile. He took the coffee and took a sipe.

Tzuyu: is it okay or I'll go and change it again?
Jimin: no need it's okay. Go and bring my lyrical content file.
Tzuyu: yes...

Tzuyu went to bring the file and came in a second.

Tzuyu: here you go. (Smiled)

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