Part 27

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Jungkook's POV:
Finally we are back to Korea. Well to be honest Tokyo trip was one of my favorite trip of all. Me and Jennie are in very good terms now. But I really have to plan a date for her. Yes the date that Tae hyung told me to arrange, I didn't do it in Japan. I am planning to do it here in Korea. But I really need help of someone. I know Tae hyung will definitely help me.

BigHit building

Yoongi: look whose here~ (teasing tone)
Hoseok: our little Jungkookie is here~ he is really glowing today~ (winked)
Jungkook: what you guys are talking about? (Confused)
Hoseok: nothing... (Mysterious smiled)
Jungkook: whatever...

He putted his bag in the table when Jimin entered the room.

Tae: my soulmate is here!!!!

Tae gladly went to hug him with bright smile in his face. Jimin hugged him back but remaining his straight face.

Tae: where is Tzuyu? She didn't came with you?
Jimin: actually-
Tae: oh there she is.... (Smiled)

Jimin turned around and saw Tzuyu coming. He was kinda surprised to see her.

Tae: Tzuyu~ we missed you alot.
Tzuyu: hey guys. That's really sweet of you Tae. (Smiled)
Hoseok: really Tzuyu, we missed you alot~~~

Tzuyu was smiling and nicely talking with all. Jimin was about to talk to Tzuyu when she spoke.

Tzuyu: guys I have some work. I'll leave now. Bye. (Smiled)

She left the room and Jimin was standing there. After few seconds later he followed her.

Tae: what happen? They both are behaving strange...

Everyone were confused.

Jungkook: maybe we have fight or something. Anyway hyung I need to talk to you.
Tae: yeah tell.
Jungkook: not here. Come with me...
Tae: okay.

Outside of the practice room

Jimin was outside when he saw Tzuyu leaving.

Jimin: Tzuyu!!! (Called)

She stopped but didn't looked at him. He took out a signed and turned around. She looked at him with a straight face.

Tzuyu: what do you want?
Jimin: I thought you won't come.
Tzuyu: if you forgot, I work here. (Remaining straight face)
Jimin: (sighed) look .... If you are not comfortable to here then don't. I am not forcing you. And last night- (couldn't finish)
Tzuyu: who said I am uncomfortable or you can force me. You can't. What happened last night won't change the fact that I am an employee of this company. I don't like to mix my personal life and professional life together. So don't bother about me. Because I know you don't care. So please don't pretend to be.

After saying that she went to the washroom. She looked at the mirror and burst out into tears.

Flash back

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