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The pancakes were great. They always are when Carrie makes them. It hasn't been the first time I used my key to let myself in and sleep on the sofa in the back room and it certainly hasn't been the first time my brother and my sister-in-law prepared breakfast for me because I had slept over.

I knew my brother didn't have a problem with it and I didn't believe Carrie had one either. I hope she doesn't.

After breakfast and my sister-in-law went to work at the ministry while Crispus went to open the shop, I apparated back home to Avalon and Mahlon's house.

Mahlon was hurrying around the kitchen, making himself a quick breakfast while Avalon and Amber sat and ate breakfast at the table.

"Hi guys." I breathed, forcing a small smile. Avalon looked at me immediately before she got out of her chair and rushed over to hug me while Mahlon went back to making himself breakfast.

"Auntie Emmy!" Amber cheered. I laughed softly and when Avalon let go of me, I walked over to hug my niece.

"Hi sweetheart." I smiled. I ran my hand over her hair before I looked at Avalon. "I'm sorry I just left like that."

My sister shook her head, smiling at me. "I'm happy you left a note. I'm also happy you're okay. Slept on Crispus and Carrie's sofa?"

"In the back room of the shop, yeah." I nodded, folding my arms over my chest. "Ava, I uh— I'm thinking that maybe it's time that I went back to the loft."

I watched as my sister raised her eyebrows in surprise and Mahlon slowly turned around to look at me as well.

"You're ready for that?" Avalon asked, a small smile spreading on her lips. I let out a heavy breath but nodded.

"I think I am." I told her. "I need to learn to live on my own eventually so why not start now? I'll go back there, I'll clean up the loft and pack away the rest of the stuff he didn't bring with him to Romania."

That's how I ended up back in my flat, all alone among the dusty surfaces and the things that hadn't been touched in almost half a year.

I didn't really have the energy to clean so I flicked my wand to get the duster to do the work for me so I could put sheets on the bed in the meantime. I put my wand into my pockets as I walked across the floor to the bedroom.

The door was closed so I opened it and took a step inside it. I closed the door behind me and turned on the light, only to see someone on the bed that made my heart skip a beat.


The anger started boiling inside of me as I looked at the familiar guy sleeping in our bed. The bedroom had been completely cleaned unlike the rest of the loft, and the bed was covered in his favourite black sheets.


I had my wand pointed at the glass of water on the nightstand. I didn't even think. I just cast the spell and the glass shattered, causing Charlie to jolt awake. He sat up quickly, looking at the glass in confusion before he looked around the room, his eyes landing on me.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face while I turned around and walked out of the room and into the living area where the duster was actively cleaning.


I turned around, my arms folded over my chest as I watched him leave the bedroom in only a pair of trousers. He looked like shit. His hair had grown longer and it was obvious he hadn't taken care of it for a while. He hadn't shaved in days, meaning that the beard was showing. His eyes were blood-shot and I couldn't help but feel sympathetic. We had just passed the anniversary of his brothers death so he was obviously having an extra hard time right now, though I was really angry with him.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, running his fingers through his long messy hair. "I talked to Bill. He said you were staying with Avalon and Mahlon."

"I was." I nodded. My eyes were currently glossy as the tears dared to spill. I wouldn't let them. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "I decided to come home. Move back in here."

Charlie simply nodded. He hadn't even looked me in the eyes yet. He kept avoiding my gaze and it broke me even more than knowing he didn't want me anymore.

"I'll get going then." He breathed. "I'll pack my stuff. It might take a moment."

I didn't answer, I didn't argue as he turned back around and disappeared into our bedroom. He wasn't back for good? When I saw him in the bed, I had a little hope that maybe he had realised he missed me and wanted me, but now that hope had been killed when he was now once again packing his stuff to leave me.

Why does he want to hurt me.

This is the second time I've had to witness him pack his things. The second time I've had to watch him leave me. This time he decided to use the front door. Shortly after he walked out of the room again. He had a shirt on. His dark grey long sleeved v-neck that fitted him so perfectly. He also had a bag over his shoulder. He stopped by the table in the kitchen area.

I watched as he pulled his keys out of his pocket to pull off the keys that fitted into the door to the loft, the door to the shop and the doors to the different rooms downstairs, also the basement where we had storage for the bookshop.

"You can't be serious." I sobbed through the tears that started pouring out. My bottom lip was quivering and probably also a tad swollen. My lips had a habit of swelling when I cried. Charlie stopped in his tracks when he reached he rack with the jackets on. He turned a little bit not fully towards me. He kept his gaze on the floor and didn't say anything. Then he put on his shoes but when he grabbed his jacket and took a step further towards the door, I pulled out my wand. "Colloshoo"

Charlie's entire body halted suddenly before he tripped. His hands came out against the wall so he didn't hit the floor, then he looked at me and for the first time in months, his eyes met mine.

"Ember—" he sighed. "You're making it way harder than it has to be."

"Am I?" I cried. "You show up here after months and you can't even look at me. The first thing you do is pack your stuff so you can leave me for the second time and then I'm the one making it harder?"

Instead of answering me, he undid his shoes and pulled his feet out of them. He pulled his wand out of his pocket, flicked it at the shoes which made them disappear, seeing as the charm I had casted didn't have a counter spell.

"Charlie." I called out when he went to grab himself a new pair of shoes from the cupboard where some of his stuff was stored. "Please don't leave again. I'll change. I-I'll be a better girlfriend."

I sounded pathetic and clingy but the truth is that I was simply really desperate. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't handle seeing him and then having him leave again. It was breaking me.

He was breaking me.

"You were the perfect girlfriend." He breathed. He never looked at me again, he simply pulled open the door and left with his stuff, leaving me crying and sobbing in the living room with no understanding whatsoever of why he was doing this.

You were the perfect girlfriend.

Then why did you leave, and why did you blame me?

I was the perfect girlfriend.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now