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"Holy shit?" I asked. "What? W-What does that mean?"

Charlie motioned for me to join him by the table. I looked at him but I didn't move. The holy shit sounded good but what was good for Charlie? Did he want the baby or did he not?

"I think you want to see this, angel." Charlie said, reaching for my hand. I gave it to him and he tugged me towards him. "Take a look."

I was holding my breath. My shaking hand came out to pick up one of the tests.

"They all say the same thing." He told me as I looked at the test. My eyes widened and I let go of Charlie's hand to clamp it over my mouth.

Embryos: 2
6 weeks, 2 days
Conceived: June 11th
Due: February 11th

The result kept scrolling as there wasn't room for it all on the screen at the same time.

"Wait a damn minute!" I put down the test and looked at Charlie. "Twins?"

"Well—" Charlie breathed. "It does make sense. There is multiple set of twins in my family and multiple set of twins in yours."

How was he being so calm about that? There is not one, but two babies in my uterus and all he says is: it make sense.

"I am carrying twins?!" I exclaimed and took a step back, pressing a hand to my stomach. "Doesn't it skip a generation? It skips a generation!"

"I don't think it does, darling." Charlie shook his head. "My mum's brothers were twins, then there's Fred and George — and you've got twin brothers but you've also got twin cousins."

I took a few deep breaths while shaking my hands, clenching them and unclenching them.

"My grandfather is a twin too." I said. "Grandpa Edison, y'know? Well, his twin died a few years ago but he was one. I thought it skipped a generation. I didn't think that I could—"

I need a drink.

"I can't even drink!" I continued. "I'm fucking pregnant with twins. I can't drink."

"Drinking would be a bad idea either way." He told me. "Babe, don't freak out, okay? We'll sit down and we'll discuss this. Everything to have you calm down."

I shook my head as I looked at him.

"He told me it skips a generation. I have to go talk to him."

"Who? Your grandfather? Edison?"

"Yes!" I nodded. "Who else?"

Charlie looked down at the table, tensing up which made me relax a little, all my attention being put on him.

"Babe?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Just don't— don't go see your grandfather. Stay here with me."

I frowned.

"He'll find out you're back somehow." I said. "I'd like him to know before he finds out I'm pregnant."

"Ember!" Charlie snapped, making me flinch. He sighed and his expression softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I've just missed you a lot and we just found out about this. Can't you wait to tell him?"

I nodded slowly, watching him. I didn't know why he seemed so anxious about me leaving, but if me staying made him feel more safe and comfortable, that was what was going to happen.

"Do you want this?" I asked, motioning towards my stomach. "A family with me?

"Of course." He nodded slowly. "You know that. I told you before. Multiple times."

I hummed softly and walked back to lean against the counter. I pulled myself up to sit on them, my eyes landing on Charlie as he watched the six pregnancy tests on the table.

"But right now?"

"Yeah, right now." He nodded and looked at me. "I personally think right now is a perfect time. I think the baby— babies, can help us find each other again. With babies come responsibility and with responsibility comes trust."

I grabbed the edge of the counter and tapped my fingers against it as I looked at the floor, then my eyes slowly moved to my stomach.

Two babies.


"This is iconic." I laughed. "I had an abortion. Got rid of one baby and now I'm pregnant with two."

Charlie slowly made his way over towards me until he was in front of me. He placed his hands on my thighs and gently spread them so he could stand between my legs. He ran his hands over my shoulders and up the sides of my neck, cupping my jawline.

"I'll just—" I sighed, placing my forehead against his. "...write him. Then we can talk."

"Write Edison?" He asked. "N-No, you don't need to do that right now. Come cuddle with me, yeah? You can write him later."

I didn't get to respond before a green fire appeared from the fireplace, followed by Avalon walking out.

Charlie slowly stepped away from me while I got down from the counter.

"Ava, hi." I said, glancing towards the table with tests. Avalon saw them and she gasped loud and dramatically before rushing over to look at him.

"Oh my gosh! You're actually pregnant. Amber's going to have a little cou—"

She stopped talking as she looked up at Charlie and I. Her lips parted and then she let out a cry of happiness before lunging forwards, throwing her arms around me.

"Twins?" She whispered. "I'm so happy for you, Em."

"We just found out." I said as she pulled back. "I still don't know what to really think."

She hugged me again and pressed a kiss to my forehead before she turned towards Charlie.

"Congratulations." She said coldly. "I'm no longer going to kill you. Not because I don't want to because I really want to. No, I'm not going to kill you because you're going to be a dad and my nieces or nephews need a father."

Charlie chuckled as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

"What am I supposed to say to that? Thank you?"

Avalon scoffed before turning to me again, smiling brightly.

"Mahlon and I really wanted to have twins." She said. "You are going to love motherhood, Emmy. It's amazing — and those little babies. You're gonna love them in a way you didn't know existed. You're gonna want to do anything for their happiness and their safety."

Not helping how nervous I am.

"Avalon, that's— that's great." I nodded, folding my arms over my chest. "I just need some time to process this. I thought I was pregnant but never did I imagine two at a time."

I ran a hand over my face before looking at Avalon again, then at Charlie. The air was kinda awkward between them. Avalon hated him and Charlie knew that.

"I actually just came to see how you were doing." Avalon smiled softly at me. "But seeing as Charles' here and you just found out you're pregnant, I'll get going and write you in the morning, yeah?"

I nodded and received a last hug before I said goodbye. Then she went back to the fireplace and used the floo system to travel back home to her husband and her daughter.

"Well—" Charlie breathed. "At least she isn't going to kill me now."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now