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I did not let Charlie kiss me. I knew he really wanted to, but he had to earn his right to do so. I had him by the balls and I was not about to let go.

I love him, but he really needs to show me that he's serious and that he really is back to stay. I don't want my heart to break once again by him leaving again.

Then there was the thing with my family. Somehow, some time, I'd have to drop the bomb.

"Guess what? Charlie's back! Isn't that just exiting? Yeah well... we're kinda back together but don't worry, I'm making him work for it so it's okay, right? Please don't judge me."

How the fuck would that sound? It was stressful to think about. I forced Charlie to stay in the loft when my shop was open because two of my younger sisters were there.

At one point, the word would get out, but I didn't know if I was ready to actually tell my family. I don't know if I was sure I had made the right decision. I doubted it quite a lot, but I guess I was just being scared of history repeating itself.

I just finished another long day at work. I did a lot of restocking and my shoulders were now hurting.

With a sigh, I closed the door behind me, then leaned back against it to take a moment. When I was done, I pushed off my shoes and placed them neatly. I ran a hand through my hair before I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

I took a step into the loft, looking around as I rolled my shoulders. Charlie was nowhere to be—

My thoughts were interrupted as the door to the bathroom opened, earning my attention. My eyes widened at the sight. Charlie was standing there, naked. Really naked.

Butt naked.

"Good afternoon, my darling." He smiled softly, running a hand through his wet hair as he moved towards me, not giving a fuck that he was naked.

Is this payback?

"Charlie—" I nearly gasped as my breath hitched in my throat. I backed up against the wall as he didn't stop. He placed a hand next to my head, looking down at me with a smirk.

Don't look down.

"What's the issue, Emmy?" He asked, leaning down to my ear. "It's nothing you haven't seen before."

I inhaled sharply as shivers went down my spine and goosebumps rose on my skin. I stared up at his blue eyes. Suddenly I had nothing to say.

"Did you have a nice day?" He whispered as he licked right under my earlobe before biting down on it. I pressed a flat hand to his warm chest, whimpering at the things he was making me feel.

He always did have that effect on me. If we had been fighting, even now that we're trying to get back to where we were before he left — he still manages to make me weak in my knees.

"I fucking hate you." I breathed. He chuckled, seeing right through my bullshit. He gently wrapped his fingers around my wrist, sliding my hand down his chest and over his stomach. I closed my eyes, biting down on my lip to prevent a certain sound to leave my mouth.

Then I heard it. Charlie moaned into my ear on purpose as he dragged my hand down to his pelvis and I proceeded to whimper in response.

As soon as my fingers brushed over his skin on his pelvis, he stepped back, smiling cheekily at me, showing his teeth. He dragged his tongue alongside his top teeth and let it continue to roll against the inside of his cheek. He winked at me, turned around and walked into our bedroom to get dressed.

Oh fuck.

Oh baby Jesus.

This is war.

You have no idea what you have just started.

I stayed in place, standing against the wooden door with a probably shocked expression on my face. When Charlie walked back out, dressed in a pair of black trousers and a white v-neck t-shirt that he dragged down his torso so I only got to see a glimpse of his muscles.

"You okay, angel?" He asked with a knowing look on his face. "You look a little... flushed."

His lips formed a small smirk and I felt like I was gonna throw up over what just happened. Not because it disgusted me, but because he had left me completely aroused.

"Flushed? No." I breathed. "But do you know what will be flushed? Your face in the toilet if you keep that up."

Charlie raised his eyebrows at me, cooing like some fucking pigeon which was his way of basically saying "ooh, I'm so scared of you" and I fucking hate it. I hate when he's cocky and I hate his sarcastic comments but only because I hated how much I loved it.

I walked towards him but as I walked past him, I cupped his groin through his trousers. His expression dropped and his eyebrows fell together in a frustrated frown but as quick as I had grabbed him, as quick I let go again and continued into our room.

Charlie - 1
Me - 2

"Fuck, angel that wasn't fair." Charlie said as he followed me into the room. I glanced at him as I sat on the edge of the bed, rolling my shoulders again. "Tense?"

He tilted his head as he watched me before he made his way closer.

"I carried a whole lot of shit today." I said, leaning back on my hands with a sigh. "Well— not shit. It was books and books are heavy as fuck."

Charlie got onto the bed, sitting on his knees as he moved behind me. He urged me to sit up straight before placing his hands on my shoulders, massaging my muscles.

"Aren't you supposed to be a Ravenclaw?" He asked as my eyes shut closed at the sensation. He was always so good at giving massages and I know he loves giving them, especially when trying to make something up to me.

I know what you're doing.

I didn't care though because it felt so good.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, why didn't you use the levitation charm to move the books?" He asked, causing my eyes to open as I realised he was right. "Did you not think of that?"

I breathed heavily.

"In my defence, I have a lot on my mind right now." I said, groaning when he hit a specific place between my shoulder blades. "Holy shit."

"Like what?" He asked. "What things other than me being a selfish bastard who left you for five and a half months?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the way he spoke about himself. I mean, not that he's lying. He's definitely not lying.

"I think—" I breathed. "Carrying all the books and working extra hard around the shop was exactly what I needed to forget about today."

"And... today is?"

"My due date." I said, causing his actions to freeze, his hands resting on my shoulders. Then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "You shouldn't have gone through that."

His wet hair tickled my neck, causing me to automatically giggle while pulling my head away from him.

"It's not—" I breathed and pulled out of his arms to look at him. "... it's fine."

"No, it's not fine." He told me. "And it's my fault. I'm aware of that. I just wish I could do something. Wish I could go back in time."

"So would I." I said, moving up to sit against the headboard while Charlie sat down. "But it's done. Maybe one day if we work out, we'll start a family."

Charlie moved closer to me, watching my side profile for a moment before looking away.

"We will work out." He assured me. "I'm not fucking his up again."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now