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"Whisky?" I asked softly, looking at Charlie who was sitting on the sofa, reading in a book. My book. It was the first one I ever published.

"One second, love." He muttered as I leaned against the beam in the living by room. He read the rest of the page before taking the bookmark, placing it on the page and then he closed the book.

After he put it on the table, he folded his hands between his spread knees and looked at me with a smile.

"What's up, angel?"

"I had a nightmare." I mumbled, causing his smile to fade. "And I want you to move back into the bedroom."

He looked at me but didn't say anything. I watched him as he ran a couple of fingers over his lips, then sighed and pushed himself to his feet.

"Was it the same usual nightmare?" He asked, walking towards me. He cupped my face, tilting my head back before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Yeah." I breathed. "But it's not just that. I want us to share a bed again. I miss waking up next to you."

I reached out and hooked my fingers into his belt, pulling him closer to my body. His arms moved around my neck and he then kissed my temple.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Cause when I think about it— the sofa isn't that bad to sleep on."

I looked up at him and pressed a kiss to under his jaw. "Come join me in bed. If not for me, then for your unborn babies."

"I'll be in in a moment." He whispered and kissed my lips softly before I smiled and turned around, walking back into the room.

I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it onto the dresser before I crawled into bed, getting under the duvet. Shortly after Charlie joined me. He put the book on the nightstand before crawling onto the bed, placing a hand on either side of my body. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Are you completely sure you want me to sleep in here?"

I opened my eyes at his words and looked at him like he was dumb, which made him chuckle hoarsely. He nuzzled his nose against my cheek, waiting for my response.

"If you ask me that one more time, I'll punch you in the balls and these babies will be the only children we'll ever have."

"Oh?" he raised his eyebrows and got up on his knees, pulling his shirt off. He threw it on the floor, then started unbuckling his belt. "How many children are we gonna have then?"

"Ten." I joked. "No... twelve."

Her laughed and got off the bed so he could take of his trousers, and at the same time, I rolled onto my back, the duvet moving down to rest around my stomach. My eyes followed Charlie as he joined me under the duvet, turning onto his side. He wrapped an arm around my torso, right under my boobs while tangling his legs with mine.

"You're so warm." he said in a whisper, planting a kiss on my shoulder. He hummed softly, closing his eyes. He always hummed like that when he got himself comfortable or ready to sleep. I smiled, loving the feeling of having him back with me in bed like this.

"You're so cold." I replied, placing my arm over his. He hummed again, this time in acknowledgement as he slowly trailed his fingers over my stomach, making goosebumps rise on my skin. "Weren't you going to read?"

"I was." he nodded slowly, trailing his fingers along the hem of my knickers. "Then I saw you lie here, half-naked and you know how much I adore your boobs."

"You want them?" I joked, causing him to look at me. "I can take them off and you can have them."

He raised his eyebrows but then laughed and pressed a kiss to my shoulder again.

"I wish I could take them off." I then sighed. "I normally love my boobs but now they're swollen and sore because I'm pregnant."

I looked at Charlie as I slid down a bit and rolled onto my side so that we were face to face. His eyes traced over my face while mine traced over his.

"I blame you." I said with a soft smile. "And I'm gonna blame you until I've given birth."

"I can live with that." He chuckled, kissing me before he sighed and sat up. "I've changed my mind. I want to read."

And I'm the one who's pregnant?

"Make up your mind, babe." I whispered, closing my eyes.

While Charlie read, his hand found its way to my hair while the other held the book. One a while, his hand would leave my hair so he could turn the pages, but he always went back to playing with my hair until I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, smiling at the fact I hadn't had a nightmare. It took me a few seconds from waking up to processing what was going on.

Charlie was hovering over me as I laid on my stomach. He had a hand on either side of my body, my hair was pushed away from my torso and he was kissing his way down my bare back.

"Good morning my beautiful darling." He whispered against my skin after he heard the deep breath leave my mouth.

"Don't you have to get ready for work?" I asked, watching the time on the clock that stood on his nightstand. "You've always woken me up with kisses when you're horny."

He simply hummed and planted a kiss on my lower back before he moved up and kissed my shoulder while thrusting against my arse.

"You know me too well." He whispered, kissing underneath my jaw before he sucked on my earlobe, making me moan into the pillow.

"Are you trying to make twins, triplets?" I asked, closing my eyes as he thrusted against me again.

"We could always try." He whispered through a breathy chuckle.

I hummed, slowly turning around to lie on my back. He leaned down, kissing my lips softly before attaching his lips to my pulse point, sucking on my skin while his right hand went down, grabbing around my thigh and lifted my lip over his hip.

His groped the back of my thigh, his nails digging into the flesh. I let out a suffocated break, bucking my hips against him to get some kind of friction for what he had caused between my legs.

Fucking hormones.

"You never answered me." I breathed. "Babe, you can't be late for work."

"I won't be late for work." He whispered against my collarbone, thrusting his hips against mine, his erection slamming right up against my heat.

I moaned at the contact, tilting my head back both out of pleasure but also to give him more access to my skin.

"I know doctor Vixen hasn't cleared us for sex." He said as he pulled his head back so he could look down at me. "Which I by the way think is ridiculous since I've already gotten you pregnant but if you—"

"Shut up and kiss me." I cut him off, wrapping an arm around his neck, pulling him down to meet my lips.

Once won't ruin anything.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now