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"So Charlie came back."


"And you were pregnant when he left?"

"That's right."

"But you had an abortion and then he came back and his excuse was that he felt insecure about his position as your boyfriend?"


"Then he proposed in a fight..."


"Then you got pregnant... again."


"With twins."


"But now you've found out that our grandfather is a creep who's been stalking you two and is threatening to kill your babies and ruin his family's lives."

I looked up at my cousin who looked confused while saying the stuff back to me that I had explained to him and Ada.

"The same grandfather who murdered a fucking person?" he asked. "Because trust me, Ember. We all saw it coming. He's a fucking psychopath and he's been threatening Charlie from day one."

He once told Charlie that if he hurt me, he'd kill him but then he ended up being the reason for me getting hurt.

I didn't exactly think much of it. Neither did Charlie and we both knew he had committed murder but my grandfather is a manipulator. Well, at least I just figured that out. There is no way he regrets killing that guy seeing as he is acting like a fucking creep at the moment.

"And all of this has happened in only a month?" Jimmy asked. "What–"

"Six weeks." I corrected him. "He's been back for six weeks, almost seven."

He nodded.

"And you are... how pregnant?"

"Seven weeks." I breathed. "Nearing eight."

Jimmy frowned at me, looked at Ada before looking at me again. "How can you be almost eight weeks pregnant when he's been back for almost seven weeks?"

I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair.

"The first two weeks, you aren't actually pregnant." I explained. "When you conceive, you're two weeks pregnant. They count it from the first day of your last menstruation cycle. I conceived on June eleventh, a couple of weeks after Charlie got ba—"

I frowned when I realised I was completely off when it came to the dates.

"" I sighed. "We celebrated Amethyst turning nineteen which was May twenty-first. When I got home, he was there. He's been back for two months."

"Right." Jimmy nodded. "So all of that has happened within two months?"

I leaned back on the sofa with a sigh, nodding slightly. I was waiting for Charlie to get back. Crispus had gone to the ministry and Carrie was out warning Charlie's family about what was going on.

"Jimmy why don't you make us some tea?" Ada asked. "Because right now you're being a dick by not letting Ember have some space. I'm sure the last two months have been stressful enough without you feeling the need to dig in it."

Jimmy looked at her for a second before he walked into the kitchen to make some tea. At the same time, Ada sat down next to me, facing me.

"Are you excited?" She asked. "I mean— twins. That's fun. Especially being one."

I chuckled softly but shrugged.

"Right now I'm trying to not think about the two embryos in my womb because if I do, I'll just freak myself out about what Edison threatened to do."

Ada hummed but didn't say anything. Her eyes flicked to the window and she stared out at the rain while playing with her earlobe.

"But he won't be able to get near me." I said. "I won't let him and I know Charlie won't either."

"No one will." She yawned, covering her mouth before blinking a few times, then looked at me through a pair of tired eyes. "When are you due?"

"In February." I said, sitting up straight. "The eleventh."

"Oh so they're gonna be Aquarius babies?" She asked with a smile.

"Aquarius babies with a Capricorn dad and a Virgo mum." I chuckled before my smile faded. "I'm really excited, Ada. I mean, I was nervous when I found out that I was pregnant and kinda in shock, I guess because I was pregnant too last year and had an abortion. Now it's happening again and our grandfather is threatening to get rid of them."

Before Ada got the chance to answer, the front door in the kitchen opened, earning all of our attention. I heard faint voices. One was Jimmy and the other one was Charlie.

A wave of relief washed over me, knowing that he was here and that nothing had happened to him. Edison had already hurt him by throwing a spell at him before I found him on the floor in the kitchen.

I got to my feet and hurried into the kitchen, stopping when I saw Charlie. He was talking to Jimmy, but they both stopped to look at me. Jimmy went back to making the tea, and Charlie's lips broke into a small smile.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. I rushed right at him, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me back, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Terrible." I whispered. I truly had been sleeping terrible. Charlie wasn't next to me and the whole thing with the man who was supposed to be my grandfather was creeping me out.

"Yeah?" He asked, pulling away again. His hand went up to cup my face as he studied my face. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I shook my head.

"I couldn't sleep with everything that's going on." I said. "Did you get all the cameras?"

He let go of my face and pointed at a bunch of bags next to the door. "I think so. I also got the stuff we're going to need while we stay in Romania and I actually went to the Ministry where I met Crispus. He's still talking to your dad and I gave him the broken cameras—"

"So he can't watch them, right?" I asked.

"No, don't worry. They're completely smashed. It's just so that he can see how serious it is." He told me. "He wants us to come by the house before we leave for Romania — to tell your mum too and inform the rest of your siblings."

I let out a heavy breath at the thought but nodded. I knew that was the right thing to do, but I didn't want them to look at me in that way. My grandfather had seen me naked and seen me have sex through a camera.

"Uh—" I started and played with the collar of the grey t-shirt he was wearing. "Carrie is informing your family. Warning Arthur, George and Ginny about his threats."

My eyes then flicked to his face and I nervously bit my lip. "What else did my dad say?"

Charlie wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"All the Aurors and hit-wizards and witches will be looking for him." He told me, keeping his arm wrapped around me in a comforting hug. "He'll be back in Azkaban before the month ends and we can come back to England."

I buried my face in his shoulder, taking in his smell for a moment before stepping back, taking a seat by the table while staring up at Charlie.

"We need to find somewhere else." I said. "I'm not going back to the loft. I don't feel comfortable there anymore — or safe."

"Okay." Charlie nodded. "I went to Romania after I talked to Crispus and your dad. Just to find somewhere we can stay until it's safe to come back. I've rented us a small house in a friendly neighbourhood in Bucharest. We're gonna give your dad the location and we're gonna give my dad the location so if they can't get a hold of us, they know where we are in case something has happened."

I hope nothing happens.

"But nothing's going to happen, okay?" Charlie assured me, raising his eyebrows slightly. "We're gonna secure the house and we're gonna make sure he can't track us down. I've thought of everything, darling. He can't hurt us."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now