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"Are you happy?" I asked Ember as she watched her bump in the mirror, running her hands over it. I couldn't read her expression. She simply just stared at herself.

She didn't respond.

I don't think she heard me. She seemed to be too far away in her own mind. I sat down on the bed, my legs spread and my hands folded between them while my elbows rested on my thighs. I stared up at her, studying the beautiful features on her face.

One of my favourite things was her freckles.

"I'm gonna take a shower." she spoke and turned away from the mirror, walking out of the room without looking my way.

I looked at the floor, wondering what could possibly be going through her mind at the moment. Was she not excited about the gender of our twins our did she just not know how to express the emotions she was feeling?

I wished I knew what she was thinking. Especially during this time. She clams up and I have no idea how to help her if I don't know what she's thinking or feeling.

As I continuing to stare at the floor, going through some different scenarios in my head, I ran my thumb over my lower lip before looking towards the door that she walked out through thirty seconds ago.

I straightened up, letting out a sigh as I slid my hands to my knees, tapping my fingers against my trousers before pulling myself up to stand. I stood there for a minute, my arms folded over my chest before I made my way out of the room.

I made my way down the hallway and knocked a few times on the door to the bathroom. After hearing her voice, I opened it slightly and leaned against the doorframe while she watched her face in the mirror, pressing her fingers to her skin and pushing her hair back.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You're not regretting this, are you? Us having children."

She immediately looked at me through the mirror before she turned around, wrapping her arms around herself. Her shoulders relaxed and she sighed as she leaned against the sink.

"I've always wanted children. You know that." she said. "But I hate that they're possibly going to be born while we're hiding from him. And I'm scared that this will be lasting for so long that our boys will spend birthdays in hiding. What if they're suddenly five years old, wondering why they can't meet other people than their parents? And what about our families? The plan was always to start a family at one point and have the rest of our family included, but now we're twenty-five weeks away from my due date and we're stuck in a small house in Romania with my grandfather being a fucking psychopath and my brother being in a coma."

She stared at the wall as she spoke, repeatedly running her hand through her hair out of frustration and once in a while, she'd inhale sharply to keep herself from crying.

She wiped her eyes as she let out a small chuckle and shook her head before looking at me.

"I'm just being dramatic." she shrugged. "There're so many people out there who is having it worse–"

"Would you stop that?" I cut her off with a frown on my face. "Don't dismiss your feelings like that."

She sighed, tilting her head back as I approached her. I ran my hands to the back of her neck, forcing her to look at me.

"I've said this before, but I'll say it again... we are going to get back to London." I said, brushing my knuckles over her cheek to wipe the tears away before doing the same with her other cheek. "They'll catch him, put him in Azkaban and we can focus on our own little family, yeah?"

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now