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Have you ever been so truly disgusted that you physically threw up? You've just figured something out that makes your intestines turn. That makes the hair rise on your neck, that makes you feel so nauseous that you want to dig yourself a big hole in the ground.

That's how I was feeling.

Hunched over the toilet, puking every single time it crossed my mind. My grandfather had installed cameras in our home.

What about the time I walked out completely naked, straddled Charlie on the sofa and dry-fucked him before we went and had sex in the shower?

How about when I left the bathroom naked and Charlie followed me into our room? Or the time he groped my arse in the kitchen after I fixed up the cut he had gotten from a dragon?

Or— the time we had sex in the kitchen. That was the same day doctor Vixen told us no more sex. Charlie had taken me from the back while I was facing the counter.

I seemed to be more affected by this than Charlie, but then again... he's my grandfather. The man I grew up around. The man that changed my diapers when I was a baby and he babysat. That man had seen me naked, had seen me have sex because he installed cameras like a fucking stalker.

After throwing up for the hundred time, Charlie entered the bathroom with the remains of a camera in his hands.

"It was in the corner of the ceiling." He said, all his energy and happiness completely drained. "To the right of the dresser in our bedroom."

I simply looked at him — then I threw up again.

He had seen us have sex in the bed. He had seen Charlie tie me up, blindfold me and them fuck me so hard that I couldn't walk afterwards.

Charlie put the broken pieces on the sink before he crouched next to me, rubbing my back.

"Do you need me to go get one of your siblings?" He asked. "Avalon perhaps? I know it's the middle of the night but I'm sure she'd come right away and be here with you while I find the cameras."

"No." I coughed, my eyes closed as I breathed heavily. "Please don't leave me alone in the loft."

I didn't feel like I had anything else to throw up, so after wiping my mouth with some toilet paper, I flushed and leaned back against the wall, looking at Charlie who was still crouching.

I sobbed, shaking my head at him.

"I feel like his eyes are everywhere." I sobbed, wrapping my arms around myself. "I feel so disgusted that he's seen me like that."

Charlie looked at me. He didn't know what to say. I know he feels guilty about telling me, but I'm happy he told me. There's no way I'm ever going near my grandfather again.

No, he's not my grandfather. He's just... Edison.

"You know what?" Charlie breathed and stood up. "I'm gonna pack your things and I'm gonna bring you to Avalon's—"

"No," I shook my head. "Not Avalon. Amber can't see me like this. She can't— I—"

I completely broke into tears, covering my mouth with my hand. Charlie crouched next to me again, and brought his hand up to brush my cheekbone.

"I'm so sorry, Emmy." He said in a whisper. "Okay, listen— I'm getting you out of this loft for the night. I don't know what we'll do about this in the morning, but for now I just need you to be safe."

I took a deep breath, moving my arms from around my shoulders to wrap around my stomach instead.

"What is he going to do, Charlie?" I sobbed. "How is he— I can't lose another pregnancy. I can't lose them."

"You won't." He hurried to say. "That's not going to happen. I won't let him get near you. I won't let him touch you."

I looked at him for a moment before I threw my arms around his neck with so much force that his legs gave in underneath him, though neither of us cared. He hugged me back, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. "I hated you for leaving and it wasn't even— you didn't have a choice. I'm such a bitch."

"Babe." Charlie whispered. "You didn't know. How were you supposed to know when I didn't tell you?"

I hid my face in the crook of his neck, crying while trying to push my thoughts away. I couldn't stop thinking about Edison watching us like that.

I felt violated.

"Is it okay if I let go of you?" Charlie asked. "I'm gonna go pack a bag for you and then I'm taking you to Crispus and Carrie's flat. There is no cameras in here so you'll be okay, right?"

I slowly untangled my arms from his neck and nodded as I sat back against the wall. Charlie stood up but leaned down to press a kiss to the top of my head.

He grabbed the pieces of the camera from the sink, and walked out of the bathroom, making sure not to close the door.

I know there want any camera in here. Charlie had checked every inch of the room but I still felt like Edison's eyes were everywhere and it gave me chills.

I took a deep breath as I placed a hand on my stomach. I didn't care about myself. I didn't care if I was hurt, just as long as my twins weren't.

I was gonna give birth to them and I was going to be the best mother I could possibly be and I wasn't gonna let Edison ruin that. He wasn't gonna take this away from me.

Why does he want to take it away from me? Why does he want to ruin my life? I just don't — I don't get it. What I get is that he doesn't like Charlie, but why would he ruin my life, my relationship and threaten to kill my babies, just because he doesn't like my boyfriend?

He was supposed to be my grandfather.

He's a psychopath. He's mental and now I understand why my grandmother divorced him.

I shouldn't have let him be in my life after he committed murder. He said he regretted it, said he has to live with the guilt, but I don't think he's guilty. I don't believe him anymore.

What man at his right mind would put cameras in their granddaughter's home where she walks around naked, where she has sex.

At the thought, I the overwhelming nausea hit me again and I hunched over the toilet again, throwing up. I didn't keep count — I had no idea how many times I had thrown up but I knew it was a lot and I knew it was unhealthy.

I was just so disgusted with the whole situation that I couldn't stop throwing up.

Charlie entered the bathroom again. He must've heard that I was throwing up again, seeing as he put a bottle of water next to me and told me to take small sips because that's what helps when you throw up.

Then her went back to packing me a bag.

What about the shop?

My grandfather knows this place. He knows where all of his family lives. I can probably stay with Crispus and Carrie for the night but afterwards it wouldn't be safe for Charlie and I to stay.

What about Ginny and Harry's wedding?

That's next month and if Charlie and I have to hide, we can't be there. But what about the people he threatened too? He can't take George's shop and home from him. He started that with Fred. I don't think he'd survive having it taken from him. And Arthur's job...

Arthur can't have his job taken either.

And Ginny's career.


Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now