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Molly was smiling as she told me about when she visited Charlie at St. Mungos.

I hadn't visited him. I recognised him when I looked him in the eyes, but I was still terrified that it wasn't him.

He was coming home today and I was nervous. I had no idea what had happened to him or what was going on.

Molly told me Charlie wanted to tell me himself. Apparently he had been a bit bummed that I didn't want to visit him, but I had to think about myself and the boys and I couldn't forget the fear that it wasn't actually him.

I hadn't told anyone about my fear. I didn't want to take the happiness away from his family.

Charlie is back.

That's what they think, but I didn't understand it. He had been gone for so long and I didn't know where he was.

I kinda zoned out as Molly was speaking, but eventually she gave me a hug before she went into the kitchen.

I looked down at my cup of tea, sighing, then I brought it up to take a sip.

My hands were shaking a little.

The thought of Charlie coming home was terrifying. I was probably around eighty percent sure that it was the real Charlie and that's why I couldn't take a chance by visiting him in the hospital.

I've got children now to think about and I didn't want to put myself in danger.

That's why I've got one question to ask him when he arrives. One question that can determine whether or not he is real.

If he got it wrong, I'd break. That would mean that Charlie wasn't home and that it was someone else in his body.

It would also mean that I'd have absolutely no idea where Charlie was.

Arthur was with Marino and Caspian over by the sofa, having some bonding time with them seeing as he is one of their grandfathers.

The twins were one month old. The month had been fast but it had always been very slow. Fast in the way that I can't believe I've already been a mum for a whole month... and slow in the way that I've been without Charlie for another month...

There was one time in Romania where we were talking about looking for a house when it was safe to come back to England.

We wanted a big house with a big kitchen and rooms enough for the twins to have on each and another room for the third child we want in the future.

A house with four rooms. We also wanted a big garden.

My thoughts were interrupted as Drizzle jumped up on the chair next to me, blinking slowly at me.

I smiled as I petted him, hearing him purr in response. He crawled onto my lap and stood up with his paws against my chest, snuggling his head against mine.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I put my cup down and brushed my fingers through his fur while planting a kiss on his head.

"I'll be leaving to get Charlie!" Molly announced and I simply smiled at her before she made her way over to the fireplace.

The green light appeared and Molly disappeared.

"Are you excited to see Charlie?" Arthur asked me as he walked towards me with a twin on each arm.

I reached my hands up to take Caspian before Arthur sat down by the table.

Drizzle jumped off my lap, almost as if he knew that carrying my child was more important right now.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now