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On the morning of Ember's birthday, I woke up before her and made sure everything was safe, before I left the house to go to a shelter to look at some cats.

I found a small kitten, white fur with two grey smudges on the top of his head. He's got one yellow eye, one blue and his name is Smidge. Then I found out that they only gave him to someone who'd take his brother, so I adopted his brother too.

His brother is a black little kitten, both yellow eyes and his name is Drizzle. Along with adopting the two little kittens, I bought everything they'd need, so now I was just excited to show them to Ember.

"Here you go." I said softly, closing the door behind me. I put down the black carrier bag on the floor along with the bag with all the supplies. "Home sweet home."

I opened the carrier and the two kittens that had been cuddled up, slowly moved out onto the floor, sniffing around to get used to the new surroundings.

I unpacked their stuff, put the bowls in the kitchen, their toys in the living room and walked towards the bedroom to place their bed in there.

I pushed the door open and paused as I saw the bed empty, not made which means she would've just left the bed.

"Ember?!" I called out as I walked over to put the cat bed down on the floor near me and Embers. When I didn't get a response, I walked back out into the small hallway and looked around until my eyes landed on the door to the bathroom. The door was half opened and the light was shining through and out into the semi dark hallway.

"Emmy?!" I called out again. "Angel... you in the bathroom?!"

Drizzle was by the bathroom door, pushing it slightly with his head. He looked into the room and stood still for a moment before fully walking in.

I placed my hand against the doorframe as I forced myself forwards, walking down the hallway. My heart was in my throat and I was sweating a little, feeling nervous as she wasn't answering me and she wasn't in bed either.

When I pushed the door open, my heart dropped as my eyes landed on her body. She was on the floor, on her back, head resting against the wall.

"Ember." I said in a whisper before I rushed to her side, dropping to my knees. I placed a hand against her cheek to turn her head and looked at her. I tugged at her eyelid to look at her eyes.

She's out.

"Hey." I whispered, pulling her into my arms, leaning back against the wall myself. I brushed my hand over her hair before I reached down and pressed two fingers to the side of her neck.

She's got a pulse.

Did she faint?

"I'm right here, my love." I whispered, having no idea what to do whatsoever. The last time she fainted, she was only out for less than a minute before she woke up again and now I hadn't been here when she passed out so I had no way of knowing when it happened.

I looked up towards the sink to see her makeup spread out. She hadn't been using makeup for such a long time. She hadn't bothered to start on it since the day we had to go into hiding. This was the first time I saw it out.

Drizzle was sniffing his way around the bathroom and Smidge quickly joined him. I was rocking Ember in my arms, waiting for her to wake up while counting the minutes.

I only thing about a minute past from when I found her, that she suddenly moved in my arms, making a small sound. She grabbed onto my arm and when I heard her start to cry, I tightened my arms around her.

"I'm here." I told her, running my hand over her hair. "You're okay."

Her crying got more intense as her breathing increased and she turned her head to hide her face in the fabric of my shirt. I planted a kiss against her hair, continuing to rock her in my arms to soothe her.

Smidge approached us and put his front paws up on my leg, leaning closer to smell Ember, which made her look at him.

"Is that a kitten?"

"Yeah." I smiled softly. "It's your birthday present. His name is Smidge, and that one over there is Drizzle."

She followed my finger to where Drizzle was making his way into the bathtub.

"You–" she looked up at me. "...thank you."

I simply smiled before she tried to sit up, through she whimpered and quickly ran a hand to her neck. I was quickly there, helping her support her head as she looked in pain at every neck movement.

"Let's get you to bed." I said. "I'll bring the cats in so you can meet them."

I helped her up before lifting her up with an arm wrapped under her knees and the other behind her back. She slowly leaned her head against my shoulder, sighing before I left the bathroom to walk into our bedroom.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked and put her on the bed. I grabbed a pillow and placed it against the headboard before she leaned back against it so I could let go. I pulled the duvet over her and sat on the edge.

"I think I had a seizure like the one that sent me into a coma after the war." she said softly, closing her eyes. "I remember my muscles stiffen and then it felt like all the air was forced out of me along with any words and all I could do was cry or groan... then I woke up in your arms."

"A seizure?" I asked, placing my hand on top of hers that rested on her baby bump. "I'll write healer Albu. She needs to have a look."

My eyes flicked up to Ember's face when she cried again, clamping a hand over her mouth. I brought my other hand up to her face, brushing some hair behind her ear.

"I want to go home, Charlie." she cried. "I know it's dangerous but I'm not doing good."

She opened her eyes to look at me.

"What if something happened to our babies? Seizures are dangerous during pregnancy and what if I have more of them? Please... I need to– I wanna go home."

I sighed and leaned in to plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay." I said softly, nodding. "We'll go home first thing in the morning. Stay with my parents at the Burrow. I'm sure my mum will know how to keep us protected there."

She let out a sob and leaned closer, wrapping her arms around my neck, hiding her face in my shoulder.

"Thank you."

I hummed in response, rubbing her back for a moment before pulling back to look at her. "Get some sleep, angel. I'll write healer Albu, then my mum and when you wake up again, you can meet our new cats."

She nodded softly and pressed a kiss to my lips before she laid down, hissing at the pain in her neck, but she seemed to relax a little when she got comfortable.

I watched her close her eyes and I stayed by her side, running my knuckles over her cheekbone repeatedly.

"I love you." I said, but she had already fallen asleep, breathing heavily. I ran my hand down to her bump on top of the duvet, sighing. "And I love you too."

Please be okay.

I brushed my hand over Ember's hair before I got up and left the room, leaving the door open. The two kittens now both stood in the hallway, staring up at me, making me chuckle.

"You two are hungry, aren't you?" I asked. "I'll fill your bowls."

They followed me into the kitchen where I found the food I had bought them. After filling the bowls, I put them back in place and crouched down to pet them as they went to eat.

Next on my to-do list: write healer Albu.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now