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"Her and the twins are okay, right?" I asked when healer Albu pulled me aside to speak to me in the hallway while Ember was in bed with the kittens. They had already taken a liking to her and she seemed to already love them as well.

"Mr Weasley." she sighed, pushing her hands together. Her accent was strong. At work I'd speak Romanian with my co-workers and my boss, but Ember can't speak Romanian so healer Albu had made a habit to speak English when she's in our home. "The babies are alright."

I frowned.

"Okay, that's good." I nodded, pushing my hands into the pockets of my trousers. "And Ember? She's fine... right?"

"Mr Weasley, are you aware of the condition called epilepsy?" she asked, my expression dropping as I looked towards the closed door to the bedroom. "Does your fiancé have any family history of epilepsy or seizures?"

I shook my head.


"Has she experienced any trauma to the head lately?"

That made me look at her as I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Uh... we fought in the battle of Hogwarts home in England. She hit her head, had a seizure and went into a coma for a long time." I said. "And she fainted a couple of months ago and hit her head again but that didn't give her more than a headache."

Healer Albu nodded.

"I think she may have developed epilepsy from head trauma. I'd like you both to visit St. Mungos in England. They have the best department for head traumas and I think that would be best, seeing as that's where the healer who treated her is located." she told me. "The babies are alright. They didn't experience any trauma from the seizure, but another one can be lethal and pregnancy with epilepsy is a risk so I'd suggest you travel as soon as possible not only for your fiancé's safety but also for your twins."

I was still not sure if going back to England was safe, but now there was no question anymore. Ember needed the best medical help she could get and if that was at St. Mungo's, then we had to leave Romania.

"She will need a lot more care and attention if this turns out to be Epilepsy." Healer Albu explained. "Epilepsy can be lethal as I said, but not only for the babies, also for Ember. If she needs to be on medication, that can also be a risk. Some anti-epileptic medicine can cause birth defects but without it, she and or the babies could die during a seizure."

I inhaled sharply, tapping my fingers against my sides as I had my hands placed on my hips.

"Alright..." I nodded. "We'll leave Romania tonight."


"Hi." I grinned, petting Smidge who got comfortable in my lap while Drizzle was playing with one of the toys Charlie had bought.

I had always wanted us to have a cat but we never got around to it because we both were so busy. I was already absolutely in love with these two.

They were adorable, affectionate and they had a great relationship to each other as well.

Charlie was talking to Healer Albu out in the hallway. The door was closed so I couldn't hear what they were saying but I was sure Charlie was going to be honest with me.

When the door opened to the bedroom, I looked up at Charlie who entered, slowly closing the door behind him.

"Did Healer Albu leave?" I asked while Charlie got onto the bed, Drizzle immediately attacking him with cuddles.

"Yeah." he chuckled as he petted Drizzle. "Listen, angel..."

He sighed and looked at me before Drizzle crawled off of him and walked around himself before laying down on the bed.

"That doesn't sound good." I frowned. "What did she say?"

"She uh–" he studied my expression before he shook his head. "...we have to pack up the house and go back to England tonight. She thinks you may have epilepsy so you need to be checked out by the healers at St. Mungos because they're the best at head injuries and also... that's where the healers are who saw you after the war."

I stared at Charlie as he spoke.


"But what... Charlie, the babies."

"Oh shit." he cursed with a small chuckle. "I'm sorry. I should've led with that. They're fine but we do need to be at St. Mungos tonight not only for their sake but for yours too. Epilepsy is dangerous, especially when pregnant."

I looked down at my bump as I wrapped my arms around myself. I teared up, pinching the bridge of my nose to stop before I'd cry.

"Well–" I breathed, looking at him through teary eyes. "...happy birthday to me, I guess."

I shook my head.

"This isn't how I expected my twenty-sixth birthday to go."

"I know." he said softly, moving closer to me while Smidge was now sleeping in my lap, head resting on my thigh. I loved how the two cats were already so comfortable in our company. They already trusted us. "Next year, we'll throw a big party, yeah? Us, our twins and our families."

He wrapped an arm around me and I wrapped on around his back while he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"You'll be safe at St. Mungos, yeah?" he whispered. "I don't know how long they'll want you to stay there, but while you're hospitalised, we'll all work extra hard on catching Edison."

I lifted my head a little, brushing my nose against his jawline before I pressed a kiss to his skin. He then turned his head, meeting and capturing my lips for a short moment.

"Thank you for my birthday present." I whispered. "I love them."

"You deserve the best." he told me with a soft smile, brushing his knuckles over my cheekbone. "And when I saw them... I knew they fitted perfectly into our family, yeah?"

"Yeah." I looked at Smidge and Drizzle. "They're beautiful."

Charlie placed another kiss on my temple before he placed a hand on my lower stomach, caressing my bump with his thumb.

"I'm thirteen weeks today." I said softly, wiping my cheeks. "That means I'm in the first week of the second trimester."

"Yeah?" Charlie smiled, scanning my face. "What does that mean? How long until your due date? You're good with numbers."

I smiled weakly against his neck.

"Twenty weeks." I told him. "There're twenty weeks left until they're due."

"Right." he breathed against my forehead. "Are you scared? I'm scared."

I ran my hand over Smidge's fur while keeping my head resting against the side of Charlie's neck, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"There's always going to be that fear." I said. "Though, I'm mostly scared about Edison harming them, or harming you. I don't want to lose any of you."

"You won't." Charlie assured me. "You'll be safe at St. Mungos, and I'll make sure to get through this alive. I wanna see my boys be born, yeah?"

"Yeah." I breathed. I lifted my head again, placing a hand against his jaw to turn his head so I could kiss him. "I love you so much, Charlie... you know that, right?"

He frowned down at me, repaying the kiss.

"Don't say it like that." he said, shaking his head. "Nothing is going to happen to either of us."


I'm really terrible at updating on this right now, but currently my main focus is on my George fic, and I'm also in the process of moving out from home so getting to update on all 3 of my active stories, is a bit tough.

Though I try to do my best at not going past ten days without updating on this one.

Anyway, I love you all and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now