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Every sound around me was way too loud. I kept looking around in every direction, trying to figure out what was happening.

There was an explosion and I was thrown through the air but suddenly I was standing on the grand staircase.

People were screaming, some were crying. Others were fighting for their lives. My heart was beating rapidly against my rib cage and I was sweating.

Suddenly it was like a breeze of air hit me and someone appeared in front of me, running up the stairs — almost as if they had run through me. I turned around, then saw another person come running straight towards me without slowing down.

I tried to hold out a hand to make her stop but she ran straight through me, causing me to look down at myself. My body was completely see-through.

I let out a yelp, feeling scared and wondering what the fuck was going on. I turned back around, sprinting up the stairs. I held out my hands to push the door open to the seventh-floor corridor but instead I ran straight through the wooden material.

I continued running down the corridor but my entire body came to a halt and my expression dropped, my eyes widening when I reached the wall led to the room of requirement.

On the ground was Fred. His eyes were open, staring at the ceiling, but he wasn't moving. He was surrounding by dust and cement, bricks and more from what looked like an explosion.

My throat tightened and I broke into tears while my shaking hand came up to cover my mouth. I slowly approached him, feeling myself stumble over my own feet. I slowly crouched down, my entire body shaking.

Though as I took a closer look at the face, it suddenly merged into another face. A way too familiar face


I fell back onto my ass as I screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs, though no sound came from me.

My body jolted as I woke from another nightmare, tears staining my cheeks and a gaps leaving my mouth.

My mind kept replaying what I saw in the dream, but then I heard the shush in my ear and I noticed the arms wrapped around my body.

I knew who it was, and I didn't care that we weren't together anymore. I let my body melt into his, my eyes closing. I simply enjoyed that he was alive and not dead like he was in my dream.

His fingers repeatedly ran through the front of my hair, threading into it as his other arm held me tightly. That's what he did every time I woke up with a nightmare before he left. He knew exactly how to calm me down, how to comfort me.

"You're okay." He whispered into my ear. "It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real. You're okay."

It's not real.

"I didn't know you were still having nightmares." He said softly, moving his hand to the side of my face to turn it so our eyes met.

"They've gotten worse since you left." I said in a whisper. "You're the one who dies."

He brushed his fingers through my hair again, sighing before he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I didn't care for the sudden intimacy. He had obviously heard me yell or cry in my sleep and had come in here and I really did need his comfort right now so that's why I let him.

I turned around in his arm, facing his chest. Our legs tangled together and I placed a hand against his warm chest while his arms tightened around me.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now