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I haven't updated this for 3-4 days. I have to be honest with you and say that for 2 of those days, I completely forgot that this story existed but now I'm here with a new update so I hope you like it.


It wasn't long after Charlie and I entered Crispus and Carrie's shop that Crispus came rushing down the stairs, heading straight for Charlie with this angry expression on his face that I knew from when we were kids.

"What did you do?!" Crispus yelled, grasping Charlie by the collar, pushing him towards the door. "What the fuck did you do to her now?!"

"Crispus!" I yelled. Charlie was holding his hands up in surrender, showing that he wasn't gonna do anything. "Let go of him. He didn't do anything!"

Crispus hesitated but then let go of Charlie's collar, scoffed at him before he turned towards me.

"What happened? Why are you here at four in the morning?"

I can't even explain it.

I looked to Charlie for some kind of help, and while straightening his shirt, he walked over to stand with me.

"It's a long story, mate—"

"I'm not your mate." Crispus cut him off. "You were, but then you left my sister behind, broke her heart and I lost all respect for you."

"That's not on him!" I defended Charlie, causing them both to look at me. "Edison blackmailed him. He was going to ruin Ginny's career if he didn't leave me and now he's threatening him again with ruining George's career, take his home from him, ruin Arthur's career and uh—"

I gulped.

"Have me miscarry." I muttered, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"What was that?" Crispus cocked an eyebrow at me, folding his arms over his chest. "You're pregnant?"

"It's twins." Charlie said. "Can she stay here for the night? Edison has cameras in our loft and I'm gonna have to look for them and take them down before we travel to Romania tomorrow to stay for a while."

Crispus looked at Charlie, then looked at me and sighed. "Ember, I told you. The minute he got out of Azkaban, I told you it wasn't a good idea to trust him."

He nodded at me.

"Go upstairs. Carrie is up and will take care of you while I talk to Charlie." He said. I thanked him before I turned to Charlie.

"Here." He said softly, handing me my bag that I swing over my shoulder. "I'll see you in the morning, alright?"

With a sigh, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly for a moment. When I then pulled back, I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"He has to know by now that I know." I said. "And going back to the loft can be dangerous. I removed the spell from the loft before we left so now you can apparate from inside again. If he comes back, you instantly apparate here. You can't get hurt."

Charlie repaid the hug I had just given him, hugging me even tighter for a moment.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled weakly. I took a deep breath and nodded before glancing at Crispus as I made my way to the stairs.

"Ember." Carrie greeted me when I entered the flat. She hugged me before taking a look at my face. She was wearing a robe, probably because we woke the two up from their sleep.

"I'm really sorry to come barging like this." I said. "Something happened and Charlie and I can't stay in the loft. It's too dangerous and I don't feel comfortable there anymore."

Carrie made us some tea and when Crispus got up after saying goodbye to Charlie, he locked the door both with a key but also with a spell.

Then I went on to explain everything to them. I went into detail but only into details I felt comfortable telling. I told them the cameras has been there when Charlie and I were in bed together but I did not want to go into detail about that when my brother was there, so that was what I said and then I moved on to me being pregnant with twins and me and Crispus' grandfather threatening me.

"We need to tell mum."

I looked at Crispus.

"Oh, no!" I protested. "I don't want to worry her."

"Worry her?" Crispus frowned. "That's her father being a fucking stalker and a psychopath. He's being a creep towards his own granddaughter so I believe mum deserves to know that because she can help."

"How is she supposed to help?"

"Help you." He corrected himself. "She can help you because you're her daughter. She can offer support and she can testify against him in court because tomorrow, I am gonna pay the Ministry a little visit and have a chat with them about an ex-prisoner of theirs."

I leaned back in the chair and brought the cup of tea up to my lips so I could take a sip.

"But tomorrow you and Charlie will go to Romania and focus on keeping you and your twins safe, you hear me?" Crispus asked in which I just nodded. "I'll make sure everything here is fine. I'll make a report."

"And I'll pay a visit to the Burrow to warn Arthur and Ginny and then I'll visit George in his shop so he can get an idea of what may come." Carrie said, offering a little smile.

I let out a sigh, tilting my head back.

"The war is over, yet this is happening." I said. "I thought I could just get to live a normal life now. If I lose anyone else, I don't know what to do. I can't handle that."

"You won't lose anyone." Crispus said. "Once the report is in, they'll be searching for Edison and with some luck, he'll be in Azkaban in a couple of days."

"And if they can't find him?"

"A month, tops." He shrugged. "Trust me, Ember. The Aurors always find them, yeah? Isn't Harry and Ron Aurors? I'm sure they would do everything in their power to protect Arthur, Ginny and George. Also you and Charlie for that matter."

Everything's gonna be alright.

"We'll have Jimmy and Ada come be with you while we're out." Crispus continued. "They wouldn't let anyone hurt you if Edison stops by."

Jimmy and Ada are my cousins. They're two years younger than me, born on May second which sucks due to the war and all the people who died. They're twins and they too are grandchildren of Edison. They too hate him.

"I trust too much, don't I?" I asked. "I mean, this man committed murder and I forgave him because I trusted him when he said he regretted it with all his heart."

Crispus sighed.

"Well, it's a good trait to be trusting." He said. "But sometimes you're too trusting and that can become a problem."

I took another sip of my tea.

"I'll make the sofa ready for you." Carrie told me and stood up. "I hope that's okay. We haven't furnished the guest room yet. We were gonna make it into a nursery but as you know, we can't conceive and we don't know when we'll be able to adopt."

I smiled at her.

"That's fine Carrie. Thanks."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now