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"How do they even work?" Charlie asked and turned the package with two of the pregnancy tests, over in his hands. He went downs and bought a few two-packs so that we would be completely sure.

"I just pee on them." I said. "On the uh— the stick at the end of it, put the cap back on and wait the minutes it says on the instructions."

Charlie glanced at me before he turned the package over again.

"It doesn't say any minutes." He said. "But it looks like it has some kind of fancy countdown."

He showed it to me and I simply gave a small nod. The pregnancy test had this little screen where it counted down until the result was ready. It counted squares. One square equal twenty-five percent. Four squares and it was finished loading.

Then the little screen would say the result, and seeing as it isn't a Muggle test, and actually a magical one, it can say more than just the confirmation of the pregnancy. It says when you conceived, how far along you are, and if the sex of the baby has been formed, the test says that too. It also says due date.

"We're gonna keep it if it's positive, right?" I asked, looking up at Charlie. "I mean, we have things we need to sort out but according to our age, it's kinda perfect... I turn twenty-six in a month and you turn twenty-seven in three. It's basically the perfect age to become parents."

My hands were shaking as I held one of the other packages in my hand. I was even more nervous than the first time I had to take a test.

"We're going to have to find a new home and there're so many things we need to buy and then we have to see a healer and we also need to tell our families."

"Emmy." Charlie spoke, earning my attention. He offered me a soft and comforting smile. "We'll figure everything out. You said it happened when we had sex in the shower, right?"

I nodded.

"That's less than a month ago. You can't be far along so we still have a lot of time to figure everything out before the baby arrives."

I took a deep breath and grabbed the package from his hand before I made sure I had all three. There was two in each — six tests in total.

"I've drank a lot of water — I should be able to pee." I said and went to walk towards the bathroom when Charlie's hand came out and grasped my jaw. He quickly pressed a kiss to my lips before he simply looked at me.

"I love you."

I let out a breath and smiled at him before repaying the kiss.

"I love you." I responded. He let go of me, and I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

After I managed to pee on all six tests, I made sure the cap was back on. I washed my hands, then made my way back out with the tests in my hands. I grabbed some paper towels and placed them on the table, then placing the tests on top.

"Now we just wait." I told Charlie. I walked past him, into the living room where I decided to sit down on the sofa.

"Can I ask you something?" Charlie approached me slowly with his hands shoved into the pockets of his trousers. He joined me on the sofa and pulled one leg up so that he could face me.


"When you were pregnant the first time around—" he took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. I followed his gaze and noticed that he was picking at a small wound on his thumb. I grabbed his hands to get him to stop, and he looked at me with a faint and shy smile. " wanted to keep it, right?"

"I did." I said, scooting closer to him as I kept a hold on his hands.

"Do you blame me for the abortion?" He asked. "Because I do. I just need to know if you do."

"No." I assured him. "That's not on you. You didn't know I was pregnant."

He leaned in and nuzzled his nose against my cheek before kissing me softly.

"It's like you said— I should've seen the symptoms." He whispered against my lips before he hid his face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around my stomach.

I ran my hand into his messy curls, my other arm wrapping around his shoulders. He pressed a kiss to my neck before humming in satisfaction. My neck had always been one of his favourite parts of my body. He told me that when we first started dating. He loved hiding his face in my neck, he loved my scent and he loved the softness of my skin.

At the same time, my favourite part of him was either his back, his shoulders or his hair.

"Can you cut my hair later?" He whispered against my skin. "Like you used to do?"

"Okay." I said softly, playing with his hair as he planted more kisses on my neck. "We can do it now, then check the tests when I'm finished?"

Charlie pulled back his head to look at me. He pressed a soft and passionate kiss to my lips before nodding at me. He got off the sofa and reached for my hand, helping me up as well.

"Find a chair and I'll to find my set." I told him, running my hand through his curls again before walking into our bedroom.

I found the scissor and the comb that I used specifically for cutting hair. I haven't used them in a while.

In the kitchen, Charlie had sat down on a chair. He was holding his wand in his hand, spinning it around in his fingers.

"Do you want it the usual length?" I asked, walking behind him. I ran my fingers into his curls, messing them up a bit more.

"Yes." He nodded slowly. "Thank you, angel."

We were both being quiet as I cut his hair. Both nervous about the pregnancy test. Both thinking about the future — what was to come if the test was positive.

"I uh— I actually had names when I was pregnant the first time around." I said. "I had about six names I really liked, that I wanted to talk to you about after telling you the news."

"Yeah?" Charlie asked. "Do you mind sharing them with me?"

"Well, I really like the name Clover." I said. "It means key, and then it obviously means luck."

"I like that."

"Then there's Enola. Alone spelt backwards, but it also means solitary." I said. "And the last girl name is Izora. It's Latin and it means from Isauria."

Charlie listened to me as he spoke. He didn't say anything else. He just listened.

"The boy names I like are a bit more common. Theo, Canyon and Marino." I said. "Though I gave more thought to the girl names, seeing as it was a girl the first time around."

Charlie hummed in response. He sounded relaxed. He always ended up really relaxed when I cut his hair. A few times he had fallen asleep.

"They're some great names." He said as I moved around to the front of him so I could continue to cut his hair. He wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs to have him closer, between his legs. "I especially like Clover and Marino."

I smiled softly, glancing down at his face.

When I finished cutting his hair, I put away the scissor and the comb, then the both of us cleaned up the hair on the floor.

"Do you think the tests are ready?" I asked, nervously glancing towards the table. Charlie showed up next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pressing a kiss to my table.

"We can try and take a look."

"Can you do it?" I hurried to say. "I don't know if I can."

Charlie nodded at me and kissed my temple again before he let go of me. While I backed up until I leaned against the counter, Charlie moved his way towards the table and placed a hand on either side of it. He was leaned over the tests, reading them with an expression I couldn't read.

Then he stood up straight and turned his head to look at me with a look of surprise.

"Holy shit."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now