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The day after we moved in, things weren't much different. Apart from Charlie absolutely spoiling me with breakfast in bed and officially proposing to me while I still looked like shit from sleeping, I spend most of the day still looking for cameras because I was so paranoid.

Every ten minutes, I'd also make sure the front door was locked both with a key but also with a spell. I had closed every single curtain in the house, scared that he was somewhere outside, looking in at us.

I didn't walk around naked like I used to do at the loft. As soon as I had showered, I'd change into something that covered up my body and I wasn't able to sleep either if I wasn't wearing both pants and a jumper.

It was a little hot but I felt myself panic if my arms or legs weren't completely covered. I hated that this was how I felt. I hated that I felt like this, but knowing that Edison had watched us, freaked me out.

I felt violated and I didn't feel like myself anymore.

It had been a little over a week since we moved to Romania and I just hit nine weeks pregnant. I'm starting to show a little but and the healer that we found here, told me that my babies are healthy even though I've been very stressed.

Charlie made sure to find one that could come here and have my appointments in the house, seeing as I can't walk out a door, in fear that Edison will be there. It just sits in the back of my head – the fear of him finding us.

It was August. The tenth of August and we were getting closer to Ginny and Harry getting married. Were we gonna be able to be there? I had no idea.

They hadn't caught Edison yet and we couldn't return as long as we were in danger but I didn't want to miss the wedding. Ginny had asked me to be her maid of honour and how was I supposed to be that if I weren't there?

I know our safety is more important but I just felt so guilty for some reason. Like all of this was my fault. Logically, I knew it wasn't my fault, but there was still this part of my brain that wouldn't stop fighting me on it.

I had also gotten a lot more clingy and Charlie had noticed. If he didn't tell me where he was going, I'd panic. I'd like to stay in the same room with him all the time, though I wasn't following him when he had to pee or if he needed a shower.

He said he didn't mind. I found myself annoying but I was just so full of fear. He kept assuring me it was fine and that he just wanted me to feel safe. I did feel safe with him, just not alone.

"Emmy?" Charlie asked softly, brushing his fingers through my hair on the morning of my ninth weeks milestone. I hummed, opening my eyes to look at him. He was propped up on an elbow, facing me while the other hand had played with my hair for a while now. "We should get up, darling. We need to be able to sleep again tonight."

"No." I muttered, moving closer to him, nudging my nose against his shoulder before throwing a leg over his hip. "I want to sleep."

"I know you do." he said, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Five minutes more then?"


"Ten minutes." he confirmed with a small chuckle, wrapping his arm around me. "And then we'll get up."

I smiled weakly against his shoulder, absolutely loving the sound of his chuckle. It always went straight to my heart which would then ache from how much love I have for him.

"Oh.." I muttered when I felt the overwhelming sensation of having to throw up. I got up and out of bed before basically sprinting to the bathroom.

I sunk to my knees in front of the toilet and emptied out my stomach. I could hear the floor creak as Charlie made his way down the small hallway, showing up in the doorway. He took a look at me before he sighed and crouched next to me, pulling my hair away from my face.

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now