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Forget whomever I said was portraying Charlie. In my opinion, this picture someone made on artbreeder, looks so much more like him so let's go with this.

When I got back home from celebrating my little sister who wasn't there herself, I was quite drunk and stumbled through the door. Too drunk to apparate so my brother had brought me home and made sure I got up the stairs, then he left when I ordered him to. I slammed the door behind me, laughing to myself over how ridiculous I had been acting in front of my family all night.

I managed to kick off my shoes while supporting my own weight on the wall, then I took off my denim jacket and tried to hang it on the rag on the wall, but instead I missed it and watched as it fell to the ground.

I waved it off, shaking my head as I moved my way further into the loft. The lights were on for some reason. I definitely hadn't turned them on and I believe I remembered to turn them off before I left. I squinted my eyes as I looked around, my eyes eventually landing on the clock on the wall.

It was past midnight.

Fuck I felt tired. I heard a door being opened, causing me to spin around, nearly losing my balance when I saw the familiar face stand in the doorway. Some sound I didn't recognise, left my mouth and I stumbled back until I hit the wall. I then slid down until I sat on the floor. I tried to keep my head up but it was difficult. I was so tired and definitely drunk. I couldn't even register him properly. He was right there, but then again... maybe I was hallucinating because of the alcohol.

Then I heard the faint footsteps. Every sound was faint to my right now. A moment later, and I saw the feet, covered by some black socks, step in front of me where I had my legs spread. A hand gently grabbed around my jaw to lift my head. When my eyes met his blue ones, I realised that he was actually here. I shoved his hand away from my face as quickly as possibly before trying to push myself more into the wall, though that obviously didn't work.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I asked, my voice breaking as I started crying. I always did that when thinking about him or seeing him. I cried. He simply sighed before he went to wrap an arm around my waist to pull me up.

"Let's get you to bed."

"No!" I yelled, pushing himself before scooting away from him, eventually getting to my feet, turning to face him. "Don't touch me. I don't want you to touch me."

I pulled the wand from the pocket of my trousers and pointed it at him. I didn't know what I was doing. I was angry, I was hurt and I was drunk.

"Ember, put that down." he told me, holding out a careful hand as he took a step towards me. "You're drunk. You're not thinking clearly."

"I'm thinking clear enough." I spat. "Why are you here? You left your key behind and I fixed the place so that apparition doesn't work from inside. I'm going to fucking hex you–"

"Ember." another familiar voice filled the room as Bill emerged from the bathroom. I turned to him, slowly lowering my wand as I frowned.

"What the fuck–"

"I let him in." Bill explained to me. He had a key to the loft. "I went and got him in Romania."

"Why would you–" I slid my wand into my pocket, wiping my cheeks. "... he shouldn't be here. He made the decision to leave and every time he shows up again, it's just breaking so many more things inside of me. Why should I have to suffer because of his decision? You shouldn't have brought him here."

I didn't dare to look at Charlie again. I could feel his eyes burning through me and it pissed me off. He shouldn't be looking at me. He shouldn't even be here in the first place. I was still recovering from when he showed up unannounced the last time. I didn't need this.

"First of all, let's get you some coffee and sober you up." Bill told me. "Charlie's here to give you the explanation that you deserve."

I know I said I wanted Charlie to come home but I knew this wasn't for good, and it hurt too much to be close to him.

"An explanation." I scoffed before I slowly turned to Charlie. "Where was that explanation five and a half months ago when you ran with your tail stuck between your legs? Where was that explanation two weeks ago when I found you sleeping in our bed?"


"Why were you here?"

Charlie folded his arms over his chest, his eyes landing on the floor.

"We had just passed May second and I needed to be closer to home."

My heart skipped a beat.

"You were in the loft when I was up here with George?" I asked in a chilling voice.

"I was in the bathroom."

"You were—" I started laughing, placing my hands on my head as I shook my head at it. "...well isn't that fucking amazing. I was up here, not knowing that so were you."

Bill was making coffee in the kitchen, acting like Charlie and I weren't currently being forced into this confrontation.

"So when are you leaving again?" I asked. "Tomorrow? In five minutes? When?"

"I'm not."

"You're not?"

"No." He shook his head. "At least not permanently. If I'm leaving, it'll be for work, but I'll be back."


"After our conversation, I decided to go find Charlie." Bill announced when he finished the coffee. He walked back over to hand the cup to me and I thanked him softly before I sat down on the sofa. "I thought you deserved and definitely needed an explanation. It took me a while since he sold the flat in Romania and lived somewhere else."

I took a sip of my coffee before simply staring down at it. My mind was racing, so was my heart, and I was close to breaking into tears again.

"I'll be downstairs in the shop while you two talk." Bill said. "Try not to yell no matter how hard it is."

When the door closed behind him, Charlie slowly sat down in the other end of the sofa.

"I hate you." I stated, taking another sip of my coffee. Charlie let out a heavy breath and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that he ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't blame you."

I closed my eyes for a moment while now taking a big sip of the coffee, then I let out a shaky breath.

"You better start explaining yourself."

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now