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5 years later

My heels hit the floor as I walked further into what was going to be me and Charlie's bedroom.

It was a big room with white walls, windows covering the outer wall. The floors were wood all around the house apart from the bathroom which was tiles.

Never in my life did I actually imagine I'd agree to move to Romania — to move out of England, but here we were, standing in the house we bought.

Located in Bucharest which is the capital.

There was five bedrooms, five full bathrooms and one half.

Charlie was busy right now, trying to keep a track on the twins as they ran around the house, giggling and screaming.

They're both wild.

"Ember!" Charlie yelled. "Where're the biscuits?!"

"They're not dogs!" I yelled back. Every time they were like this, and he couldn't keep a track on them, he'd bribe them with biscuits.

I looked out of the window which had a nice view over the front garden, the drive way and the street.

I'm the past couple of months, Charlie had helped me get started on my journey of learning how to speak Romanian.

I could say a few sentences but every day after tugging the boys in, we'd sit down and Charlie would continue teaching me.

"Babe—" I turned around at the sound of Charlie who stood in the doorway. "...please help. They're mocking me."

I smiled, turning my attention back on the view from the window in the room.

"What're you doing?" Charlie asked, walking further into the room. "Are you regretting the move?"

"No." I shook my head. "Not at all."

I felt Charlie's arms wrap around me from behind, his hands being placed against my small bump.

"They're all going to have a great life, angel." He said softly against my neck.

I hummed in response as I looked down at my bump
with a smile.

"Did you ever think this would happen?" I asked. "Us living our life peacefully with twins, and a girl on the way — moving to Romania as well."

"I don't know if I knew." He admitted. "But I knew from an early age that you're the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Even before we started dating."

I leaned my head back against the shoulder at the same time as Charlie pressed a kiss to my neck.

"It's been so long." I breathed. "We're getting old."

He chuckled against my skin.

"Thirty-three isn't old."

"You turn thirty-four, not thirty-three." I reminded him. "And me... I turn thirty-three next month."

Charlie placed a few fingers against my jaw, turning my head to look at him.

"You're still as beautiful and young looking as ever." He smiled and kissed me softly. "Now, come help with the boys. I got them to relax with a biscuit each but it's a question of time as to when they go back to messing with me."

Charlie let go of me, and I watched as he walked towards the door where he stopped and looked back at me.

"They're taking after their Fred and George with the pranks." He breathed, then cocked an eyebrow. "You coming?"

"In a minute." I smiled, seeing him repay it before walking out of the room.

I walked closer to the window, taking a deep breath as I noticed the mailman stop by our mailbox and drop of some letters.

We changed our address a few weeks ago so this has been our official address for a while — though we're only gonna start moving our stuff in tomorrow.

This was it.

This is what Charlie and I always wanted.

A peaceful life with our own little family.

And now we've got it.

With little Freya-Mai on the way.



That was it.

The end of Charlie and Ember's story.


I really hope you enjoyed reading with all the drama and trauma happening in the plot.

Though they got their happy ending.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting one of my works and hopefully I'll see you again in my other stories.

- Julie

Finished on June 7th of 2021

Yours truly ; Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now