chapter 48

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Harry gripped the edges of the sink tightly. He tried remembering where he had seen that gesture but couldn’t. The reflection in the mirror stared back at him and he sighed.


There was something odd about her, and it bothered him greatly. He didn’t want to find anything incriminating about her, it would break him. But apart from her, there were a lot of things bothering him.

The bike rider.
Jack Cabrera.

And Anna included.

He felt as though there was a connection between the first two, but he didn’t know where Anna fit in. He sighed.

He had to get to work. The new chief was making them put in more hours. Paul Reese had been transferred and he was somewhat glad about it. But this new chief seemed to like working all the time and boy was he stern. They barely had time to rest now. All cold cases had been reopened to the detriment of most people at the precinct.

Chief wanted results and he wanted them immediately. Harry sighed and walked out of the bathroom towelling his hair. He quickly wore his clothes and took his hair brush. He was about to use it when he saw a black hair strand sticking out of it.

He knew Anna always removed her hair from the brush after she used it. He thought it was odd, but she said it was just a habit. But still, he really wanted to know who she was. He couldn’t search her cause she never told him her last name or where she worked.

Looking at the hair strand again, he noticed the root was still attached, lucky him. Taking the strand carefully, he put it into a Ziplock bag and left for work. Once her reached the station, he went straight to the lab. Diana was seated on a high stool at a table looking at something through a microscope.

“Hi Diana.”

She looked up at him and smiled brightly, “Hey Harry, good morning.”

That was Diana for you: cheerful and smiley, even on bad days. Everyone loved her.

“Morning. Uh, can you help me with something? Please?” he asked scratching the back of his neck.

“Sure, what is it?” she asked folding her hands on her laps.

He held up the bag and she looked at it.

“Does it involve a case?”

He chuckled nervously, “No, but its important.”

She looked apologetic as she said, “I can’t Harry, I’m sorry. Chief has everyone working overtime and I’ve got my hands full. Everyone keeps bringing me samples.”

“Please, I really need it. How can I convince you?” he asked desperately, “I’ll get you chocolate fudge cookies.”

Diana loved them. That was what many of them used to bribe her when they needed her to do things for them quickly. Her eyes literally lit up when he mentioned them.

But then she narrowed her gaze at him, “I’m not that easy to bribe Pierce, you are gonna have to do better than that if you hope to convince me,” she said and returned her gaze to the scope.

“I’ll add a huge tub of ice cream to the package,” he said in a convincing tone.

A smile slowly made its way to her face.

“Deal. But you can’t get your results till Friday,” she said and took the bag.

“Friday? But that’s tomorrow! Can’t you do it now?”

“Dude, you gotta get in line.”

Harry nodded, “Alright fine.” He turned to leave when her voice stopped him.

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