chapter 52

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Jack glanced at Yuri in the passenger seat and asked, "Is everything set?"

He nodded. They were at the last warehouse in LA. She looked forward and tightly gripped the wheel. Over the last weeks, the cops had raided her warehouses one by one, and everything they had found, they had confiscated, and the warehouse had been locked up.

The process was led by Harry himself. She had warned him, and he hadn't listened. He left her no choice. What she was about to do was hard, but it had to be done.

Harry had to die, and she was going to have to be the one to kill him. This was the last warehouse, he would come, she just knew it. And when he did, she would be ready, and he would meet his end.


Harry stared up at the large building. It was the last warehouse known and it was way out of town. It was the last on the list D gave him. Most of the locations were difficult to access, but he had spent the last few weeks finding them and shutting them down. After the confrontation he had with her weeks ago, he had immersed himself in his job. He hadn't told anyone yet about her, he was bidding his time.

He had gotten there before the others. Call it over excitement or whatever, he just wanted to get the job done with and out of the way. Slamming the car door shut, he walked forward. Her bike was parked outside. He swallowed thickly as he realized she was there. He let his hand rest gently on his gun as he slowly approached the door. He was wearing a grey long sleeved shirt with his bullet proof vest over. No chances were taken this time, in case she decided to shoot him again. His badge hung around his neck held by a silver chain.

Opening the door slowly, he stepped in. About five dead bodies littered the floor. There was no smell yet and the blood still looked fresh which meant they had just been killed. The ground floor was empty of any alive humans, so he slowly took the stairs to the first floor. She was there somewhere; he didn't want her to jump out on him. She always did that.

There was a door at the end of the dark hallway. He pulled out his gun and gently pushed the door open.

A shadow moved and he took off after it. She always ran. Why did she always run? There were so many doors and she seemed to know it like the back of her hand.

He had just passed a doorway when a hand shot out and grabbed him by the shirt. She swiped his feet from under him and took off again. Harry swore under his breath as he got to his feet and went after her.


She opened another door and ran into an empty hall with large windows on either side. Huge pillars held up the structure and a light film of dust covered the ground.

"Stop," he yelled again. It seemed like she was trying to wear him out, toy with him. He was tired of her using him to run around. He stopped running and pointed the gun at her back. "Don't make me shoot you!"

The threat of death didn't scare her as she didn't stop running. He pulled the trigger and the bullet met the wall right in front of her. Her hand was reaching for the door at the end of the hall when he spoke again.

"Stop ...Jack, I know who you are."

Her hand froze on the handle. And then she turned slowly. They were on opposite ends of the hall. He couldn't see her face cause she was still wearing her helmet.

"I know who you are," he repeated. His voice echoed in the empty room. His hand slowly dropped to rest at his side and he waited in anticipation for her to remove the helmet. She had never done that in his presence before. He watched as she reached up to pull it off. She looked as beautiful as ever.

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