chapter 23

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The bed beside him was empty again, just like the last time. Harry sighed unhappily as he threw the covers off him and stumbled into the bathroom.

He remembered her words from the night before: No strings, no attachments. Just pleasure.

He sighed as he towelled his hair making it stand atop his head. He dressed in black denim jeans and a short-sleeved button up white shirt. As he drove to work, he realised he knew nothing about Anna other than her name. He didn’t know where she lived, her job, her full name or even how old she was. But she already knew most things about him, for heavens sake she knew where he lived! And they’d already screwed around! Twice!

Despite all these, he knew he’d give anything to see her again. He hoped to see her again. Last night had been a lucky coincidence.

Static crackled from his two-way radio, so he pressed the receive button and the message came through. There was a shooting not far from where he was. It wasn’t exactly his department, but he helped whenever he could. So he turned his car around and headed towards Palm Road.

He drove slowly beside the curb and listened for any sounds. This was the place, but where was the shooting? Just then a motorcycle zoomed past him, breaking his sideview mirror.

“What the f...”

He watched annoyed that the rider did not stop to even apologise. The bike rider shot at the windshield of the car before him, and it swerved sideways and ran into an alleyway. The bumper smashed beyond recognition. The rider followed the car disappeared into the alley and he couldn't see them anymore.

Harry got down from his car cautiously and approached the alley, his gun at the ready. He peeped around and saw that the driver had managed to crawl out of his damaged and smoking car. He watched as the bike rider used his feet to turn the man and stood over him. He said something Harry couldn’t hear before shooting him twice in the chest.

Harry took a deep breath. He wasn't wearing a bullet proof vest, he had to be careful.

He came out into the open, “Freeze, LAPD! Put your hands where I can see ‘em,” he yelled as he pointed his gun at the rider who turned to face him.

The helmet protecting the riders head prevented him from seeing the face, but the boobs and leather pants allowed him to see that it was a woman. She stared at him for a long while then turned and ran off towards the end of the alley where her bike was parked.

“Hey! Stop!” he yelled as he ran in pursuit, “This is detective Pierce requesting back up. This is a 10-53,” he said into his radio.

Suddenly she stopped and pointed a gun at him. Harry stopped and held his hands up gulping, his eyes wide.

This is it, goodbye world.

But then she continued running, and Harry took off after her. God was she fast! He had to strain himself to catch up with her. He fired a warning shot that whizzed past her head, but she didn’t stop. The gap between them was closing quickly, and he stretched out an arm to intercept her, but she stopped.

Grabbing his arm, she flipped him over her shoulder, and he landed on his back with a thud. He got up quickly and threw a punch but she dodged and elbowed him hard. Harry doubled over as the sharp pain ran through him. Then she swiped his feet out from under him and he fell.

She pressed her knee into his stomach as if to say stay down. When she got up and turned, he grabbed her feet and pulled. She fell and her head hit the ground, the helmet cracked. He quickly got on top but she pushed him off and punched him.

It hurt like hell. Harry touched his split lip. His fingers came away with blood and he glared up at her. She got back up and walked back slowly then sprinted down the alley. When she turned her back, he wearily got to his feet. “Stop!”

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