chapter 33

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Warning, 18+ content...


Tell me something about you…

“What! Why?” she asked, her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she became tensed.

“Because I know nothing, and I would like to know you more. If that’s okay with you.”


Her traumatized ass had to think something suspicious.

“Well, what do you want to know?” Jack asked as she began to filter and sort out answers in her mind.

“I don’t know, anything. How old are you? What do you do? What’s your family like?”

“Okay,” she said dragging out the word. “I’m 25, and I work as a free lancer for an IT company here in LA.”

“Which company? And I thought free lancers were self employed?” he asked confused. That was the detective in him asking for details.

“A company, and I work for myself sometimes, now ssh let me finish. My dad died four years ago, I have a younger brother, his name is Lucas. He can be quite silly and a complete douchebag sometimes, but I love him. Hmm, what else…. I’m adopted, I never knew my real parents, not interested in ever finding them.”

Dominic had adopted her when she was two. He had found her roaming the streets of Atenas and had taken her in. Dom said when he had approached her, he had offered her food, but she hadn’t accepted it. And when he tried to touch her, she had tried to bite him.

He took her as his own daughter. When she was six, he had offered to tell her the identities of her real parents, but she wasn’t interested in finding them ever. She didn’t need to find the people who were so willing to give her up. In fact, she was glad they gave her up. Cause if they hadn’t, her life wouldn’t have turned out the way it was; perfect.

“What are your biggest fears?”

Jack kept silent as she thought. She slowly replied him, “Losing my brother, and my best friend.”

And losing you.

She feared his reaction when he found out who she truly was. That was what she feared the most. Not death.

“What was your dad like?” he asked quietly.

Jack smiled sadly as she remembered her papa. “He was the very best,” she said softly, “He was strict. A disciplinarian, and no, he never raised his hand against us.”

Except when he beat our asses during training.

“He insisted my brother and I learn the things he couldn’t. He made me go to a boarding school in England. And though I hated the time I spent away from my family, I knew it was for the best. He was the perfect father to us and I …I miss him so much,” she said, and a tear slipped down her cheek.

Remembering Dominic always made her teary eyed.

Harry couldn’t count how many times she had used the word ‘best’ in the last minute. She must have really loved him a lot.

“I remember the day I got my first tattoo, man did he freak out,” she said with a laugh as she recalled it.

“If he could cut off my arm, I know he would have. But he loved me too much to do anything about it, so he just let me be.” Jack sniffed and looked up at him, “Anything else you wanna know?”

“No, this will do for now,” he said kissing her forehead. Jack sighed in relief, she hadn’t had to go into details like her last name.

“What was your father like?” she asked softly as she closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat.

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