chapter 15

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Four years later

Jack stared at the faces crammed in her office. They had a mission. A tech had been stolen from a military base in Russia. This tech allowed them to hack and control any security system in the world in seconds from just a little distance. It wasn’t exactly an impressive tech worth stealing, but it could cause quite some damage, and Jack wanted it. Their job was to retrieve it from a location they had narrowed down to Kauai, an island in Hawaii.

“A man called Dorian has it, and he intends to sell it on the black market in two days. I want it before that happens.”

“Are the Russians aware?” Lucas asked referring to Yuri.

“Yes, and he intends to stay out of our way.”

“Sure. We can go get it for you,” Angy said.

“No. As much as I would love that, no. I am coming with you.”

Jack preferred doing things herself, just like Dominic had taught her. Why send someone when you could do it? People made mistakes, and she wasn’t ready for anyone to tell her that they had lost it.

“Fuel the jet, we are leaving now.”

They all left to pack their bags. Two hours later, they were in the air and on their way to Hawaii.


Dressed in a sexy black two-piece triangle bikini, Jack lay on a towel on the beach. She was getting a much-needed tan and of course, waiting for Dorian to make an appearance. Dorian had checked into a hotel using a fake name, and she had done the same. He rarely left his room, and when he did, he was careful.

The sun was warm on her skin. Warm breeze drifted in around her blowing her hair into her mouth. Dorian was smart, she had to give him that. Staying away from the bigger resort centers on Poipu. He was careful not to leave any tracks, making it hard to find him, but hell, she was the best tracker, she could find anything. She could even find the million-dollar necklace that stupid Rose had thrown into the ocean.

Tracking was one of the many skills Dominic had insisted they learn. And she was best at it, second to none.

“How are you guys holding up in there? Feeling alright?” she asked and took a sip of her cocktail. Lucas and Angy were holed up in a van opposite the hotel. And with the humid air, they were probably sweating their asses off.

“Ha-ha, very funny Jack,” Lucas snarled, and she laughed. Jack was only glad that he still had a little bit of humor left in him.

After Dom’s death four years ago, he had become more serious and …well, focused. No longer smiling like he used to.

“He is heading to the bar,” Lucas voice reverberated in her head from the small earpiece behind her ear.

“Copy that,” she said and got up slipping a matching black kimono and flip flops. She ran her fingers through her red hair. From the file she had read, Dorian had a thing for redheads, hence the wig. A couple of male heads turned to stare at her as she passed, some even whistled.

Angy had wanted to play this role, but Jack had refused. It had been a long time since she was out on a mission. She walked to the bar area of the hotel which was outside and built with bamboo sticks. It was nice and had a traditional feel to it. It was well crafted and good looking for a two-star hotel. The hotel was nice in general, but it looked shaggy next to the big five-star hotels that crowded Poipu.

She spotted Dorian instantly, dressed in a flower-patterned shirt and khaki sorts, he blended in. Sliding onto a stool beside him, she saw what he was drinking, the famous Hawaiian punch.

“I’ll have the same,” she said in a high singsong voice, then she smiled shyly at Dorian and took the drink the bartender offered. It was very fancy looking with a small umbrella stuck in it and a slice of lemon.

“Christ! Is that how girls sound?” Lucas asked cackling. If she weren’t so close to the man, she would have told Lucas to go fuck himself. She took a sip of the punch and moaned. It was good. It had a bold taste of natural fruit juices including a blend of tropical fruits too many to count.

“Hmm, this is really good,” she said to no one in particular.

“It is,” Dorian said looking at her with grey hooded eyes.

“Hi,” she said looking at him with feigned interest.

“I’m Evan, what’s your name?” he asked giving her a charming smile.

Hmm, using a fake name, smart. Jack swallowed before speaking, “I’m Angela,” she said with a smile.

“Hey! Why did you have to use my name?” she heard Angy’s whiny voice complain, and Jack almost laughed right there and then.

“Beautiful name. So, what’s a girl like you doing here all by herself?” he asked leaning closer to her and giving her his full attention, and she giggled.

God! I really sound stupid.

“Oh you know, taking a well-deserved vacation. I was tired of living in New York. You know the awful weather up there, so I came here to get some sun,” she said staring at him. He wasn’t bad looking, he was actually pleasant on the eye.

“And your boss gave you leave?” he asked peeking at her exposed breast.

So Jack leaned her elbows on the table and pressed her arms together, giving him a full view of her cleavage, “Oh I don’t have a job, my daddy takes care of me,” Jack said and internally cringed. She sounded so shallow.

“Are you staying here at the hotel?” he asked placing a hand on her thigh and she nodded eagerly.

“My daddy booked me a week here.”

Forgive me papa, wherever you are.

Dorians hand slipped up past her thigh and going treacherously upper. When his hand was close enough to grab her butt, she jumped off the stool, “Sir! I do not do that in public!” she reprimanded, fluttering her lashes at him.

“Would you like to continue this elsewhere?” he asked suggestively. Good, exactly what she wanted. Bait him into wanting to see her again.

“Sorry. But I have an appointment at the spa for a full body massage, and I don’t want to miss it.”

“Oh! Well would you care to join me for dinner tonight?” he asked not willing to let go so easily. The girl was beautiful, and he could not pass up the opportunity to be buried deep in her come the night. He got hard just thinking about it. She twirled her hair around her fingers and pretended to think about it. He had always had a thing for redheads.

“Sure. I’ll meet you at the restaurant,” she said and placed a hand on his lap just near his crotch before walking away.

Jack scoffed as she pressed the button to the elevator and the doors closed. Men were so gullible. Now all she had to do was wait till evening. She didn’t think he had the tech with him in his room. He probably stashed it somewhere.


Hi guys. I am so so sorry for the late update. I kinda had a problem getting to the laptop. It's not mine you see, I had already typed up to chapter 20. And I didn't want to retype it cus I would have missed so many things. Once again, I am so sorry.

Here an update for you. I'll try to update again today or tomorrow to make up for the time I lost.

xoxo, Pearl🖤

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