chapter 27

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Harry pulled into his driveway and closed his eyes for a moment. He hadn’t found anything incriminating about Reese yet, but he wasn’t giving up. There was something fishy about him, and he was going to find out what it was. Opening his car door, he stepped out and walked to the door. He switched on the lights and closed the door behind him then pulled off his shoes. Dropping them carelessly, he pulled off his coat and hung it in the closet.

A noise coming from the kitchen had him freezing. Whipping out his gun, he held it and inched his way towards the kitchen. There was an intruder in his house. He leaned against the wall and listened, whoever it was was making a lot of noise. It sounded like the intruder was trying to steal his plates and spoons.
Hell no, those belonged to his mom. Taking a deep breath, he revealed himself and swiftly pointed the gun at the person.


“Whoa, calm down bucko. At least taste my amazing cooking before you shoot me,” she said amused.

“Anna,” Harry sighed in relief, and confusion.

“Yes, Anna. Can you please lower your gun? It's scaring me,” she said and fluttered her lashes.

“Surprised to see me?” she asked cheekily.

Harry nodded and placed his gun in a drawer. “Yeah, I'm surprised. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, uh, I was around, and I thought I would come say hi, and thank you for letting me stay here last time, y'know. It was fun.” She glanced at him and smirked at the telltale blush on his cheeks.

“Anyway, you weren’t home, so I decided to make dinner, out of the goodness of my heart. I hope you don’t mind,” she said with a raised brow. She was holding a spoon in one hand, her other hand was on her waist.

“No I don't. Wait, how did you get in?” he asked confused.

“Uh, you left the door open?” she asked.

“No, I clearly remember locking it.”

“Bobby pin?” she said trying to look as innocent as possible.

“You broke into my house?” he asked astonished.

“Nooo,” she dragged out the word. When he gave her an unimpressed look, she gave in.

“Fine, maybe I did! So what’s my crime officer, breaking and entering?” she asked as she stirred a pot of parmesan sauce.

And when he didn't reply, she turned to find him staring at his shirt she wore, “Sorry, I took the liberty of raiding your wardrobe, and none of your shorts fit,” she said cheekily. Her latest habit was wearing his shirt without a short.

He chuckled and rounded the counter to hug her from behind, “I haven’t seen you in a month,” he said as he kissed her neck.

I was recovering from the bruises you gave me!

“I was busy, but I’m here now,” she said and tilted her head to give him better access.

“I missed you,” he said softly, and she tensed.

Then she relaxed and kissed him, “Did you now?” she asked against his lips. He nodded.

It didn't get past his notice that she didn't say it back. He smiled and kissed her once more before pulling back.

“You didn’t have anything at home, so I had to go shopping, and now you owe me one. Hungry? I made chicken parmesan and spaghetti,” she said and turned back to her sauce.

“I’m starving,” he mumbled and stretched his hand to dip it in the gelato she had made for dessert, but she whacked his hand with the wooden spoon before he could touch it. He glared at her.

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