chapter 11

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In the huge conference room, the mafia lords sat with Andrea at the head of the table.

"It is unfortunate that Dominic is dead, but as the next ruling family, I become king," he said arrogantly. A few of the lords had not known that Dominic was dead, and most were not happy about it.

"Before you comfortably settle into your new role as king, don't you think we should find out how he died, and who killed him?" Yuri Ivanov, the Russian mafia asked annoyed.

He had never liked Andrea; he was too proud and cocky for his own good. The pompous twit thought he was better than everyone, including Dominic. And it would only make him hate him the more if he became king.

"Does Dominic not have a son?" Diego Ramirez, the Mexican asked.

"He does, but what does he know about the business?" Andrea asked glaring at them, willing them both to shut up. Just then, the doors opened, and a lady walked in. The only sounds in the room were the click clack of her heels as she walked towards them.


They walked into the grand foyer of the hotel, and Jack could not help but remember the day she had gone with her father to his board meeting. It was like yesterday. She sighed and walked into the elevator, Dimitri pressed the button and the doors closed.

Lucas, as if sensing her agitation squeezed her hand. It was a small gesture, but it helped to calm her a little bit. It made her realize he was the only family she had left now. It was the two of them against the world.

The elevator dinged and opened. Dimitri and Lucas stayed back while she got off with Jose. They walked down a large hallway and came to a stop at mahogany doors. Two men in suits stood on either side staring ahead. Jack took a deep breath and nodded at Jose to open the double doors leading to the conference room. He pushed open the heavy door, and all heads turned to look at her questioningly. She stepped in and paused, her eyes scanning the room.

The tension in the room was palpable. They were all alpha males put in the same place, and each man was intimidating in his own right. She gulped and looked at the head of the table where the supposed empty seat was now occupied by a rather burly man.

All the nervousness she had felt flew out the window, and she saw red.

He had killed her father, and now he wanted to take her seat? Hell no, not on her watch. She did not stop walking till she stood directly by his side.

"Who let this cagna in?" Andrea asked amused.

"Get up, you are in my seat," Jack said quietly.

There was silence before the men in the room erupted in laughter.

"And who are you to give me orders?" he asked suddenly.

"Your king. Now, get up from my seat before I shoot you in your balls."

Men do not take kindly to threats, talk less of mafia lords. Andrea shot up from his seat and grabbed her neck, she didn't move a muscle. Suddenly, the hand that was on her neck was twisted and pulled back with force, making the bone pop from its socket, and he screamed in agony.

His head was slammed down on the table by his own personal guard that had been standing behind him.

"Who are you?" he all but groaned out, his face beet red.

Jack gently removed her glasses and folded it, "I am Jack Cabrera, your new king."

"That's a lie! Dominic would never hand over to a girl, not when he has a son. And we all know that he has only one child," Andrea said breathing hard.

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