chapter 3

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Jack walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body and smelling like her lavender body wash. She opened the door to her walk-in closet, the lights coming on as she stepped into the room.

Choosing a purple formal dress and a pair of black stiletto heels, she threw them on her bed and hurriedly dried herself and wore her undies. She brushed her long thick wavy black hair and braided it before slipping on her blonde wig which fell to her back.

She wore the purple dress, but it contrasted horribly with her tan skin, so she changed it to a white gown with thick straps. It fitted her and stopped just above her knees. She applied minimal make up and her blue contacts. She looked like herself, but not herself. Let's just say she looked like a different person in the wig and contacts.


She looked down at the tattoos which covered most of the skin on her left arm. She loved her tattoos, loved the way the black ink contrasted against her creamy skin. But she had to cover it up, so she wore a black blazer making sure it covered them.

She knew Dominic hated her tattoos, which was one of the reasons why she wore the jacket, but there was nothing he could do about it. Better not to upset him this early in the morning though. But really, if she were to be seen with it, it would be easy for anyone to find her.

Dominic had asked her to accompany him to a meeting with his board of trustees. He had a long chain of legal companies, hotels, restaurants, furniture businesses, IT companies and so many more.

And then there were the illegal companies, the weed farm in Jamaica and Afghanistan, which, of course, Dominic's import business was just a front for the real importation of the cannabis. The ammunition company and many others that she could not even begin to name.

She guessed this meeting was his way of introducing her. All managers and directors were going to be there. It was the reason for her formal dressing. She would choose leather pants and a tank top over a dress any day. But a girl got to do what a girl got to do. She grabbed the heels and wore them. Then she strapped her gun to her thigh holster, you could never be too careful, and slipped the diamond ring onto her finger. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time before exiting the room.

Three black jeeps were waiting when she came out of the house. Some guards gave her curious glances, but none came close to her. Dominic came out some minutes after her wearing an Armani suit. He looked intimidating enough to make her want to back down. There was that aura around him that said much about who he was.

Daniel, her father's personal bodyguard opened the car door, and Dominic gestured for her enter, he entered after her.

Dimitri sat in the passenger seat. The cars drove off, and Jack occupied herself by looking out the window. Dominic was busy typing on his laptop. The other cars followed a little way behind. The ride over to the company was short and silent. They arrived at the company just when Jack was beginning to enjoy her game of counting blondes. There were a lot of blondes in LA.

A lot. Which included her, unfortunately. There was no other normal color of wig that she liked. Unless you counted bright red as a normal color.

As she came down from the vehicle, her eyes unconsciously scanned the building for any threats. Dimitri and two other guards walked before them into the lobby. Employees scrambled out of the way, fixing their ties, their eyes glued to their computer screens the instant they saw Dominic.

The receptionist hung up the phone and stood, "Mr Cabrera", she greeted with a smile.

Dominic nodded at her as they entered the elevator and Daniel pressed the button, taking them to the twenty-fifth floor of the building. Daniel opened the door, and all conversation in the conference room stopped as Dominic stepped in. They only sat after Dom had taken his seat at the head of the table, and Jack found herself smiling with pride. When you had a father like Dominic, you felt on top of the world.

Dominic nodded at her to seat at the other end of the table. As she walked to seat, she noticed that she was the only woman in the room. The men's eyes followed her as she sat and folded her long legs. They stared at her, not knowing who she was, and Jack smirked.

Exactly how Dominic intended for it to be. No one knew he had a daughter. No one, not even his associates. The only person that knew of her existence until now was Dimitri. It was Dominic's one slogan: trust no one.

Nobody knew she existed. She was not on any database in any country.

As far as anyone knew, there was no one like Jacqueline Cabrera, she did not exist.

"If you are all done ogling her, shall we start the meeting?" Dominic snapped, and the men sat up, fear flashing across their eyes for a second, and she chuckled inwardly. Only Dominic had that kind of power. His name alone could send shivers down the spine of his enemies. That's how ruthless he was.

One of the directors summoned up the courage to ask the question that was on all their minds.

He awkwardly cleared his throat, "who is she, sir?" he asked in a shaky voice and tried to cover it up by coughing.

"That is my daughter," Dom said, pride evident in his voice, and their mouths fell open. Then all eyes turn to her, even his guards, and she stared right back keeping a neutral expression on her face.

Well, they did not know before. The guards must have been wondering who she was. The public knew Lucas Cabrera as the only child of Dominic Cabrera. That's how good Dominic was at keeping things he did not want known.

Jack saw some eyes flicker to the signet ring on her left hand which she purposely placed on the table so they could see it well. The ring was only worn by members of the Cabrera family, and they knew that.

Dominic had never taken her out and introduced her as his daughter. But he did now, and she felt extremely proud to be the daughter of Dominic.
The lights dimmed, the projector came on and the meeting began.

Pls don't forget to vote and comment. And if you have any ideas you wanna pitch, or maybe some cool songs you like, let me know.

Please feel free to point out my mistakes.

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