chapter 14

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I have a dream that one day....

You guys don't want to hear about my dream? Fine! Unbelievable!


“No!” Jack screamed and sprinted as she saw Lucas body crumple into a heap on the floor. She roughly shoved people out of her way, not caring if they got hurt. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she ran. She could only focus on getting to her brother, the only living family she had left.

Lucas was laying in a pool of his own blood by the time she got to him. She tore his shirt and saw the bullet wound in his chest.

“Someone call me an ambulance now!”

She quickly knelt beside him, “Lucas? Lucas, look at me brother, I’m here, I’m right here.”

He gasped and closed his eyes, “Hermano no me dejes, por favor,” she begged holding his hand in hers. She heard the siren before she saw the ambulance. That was fast. She had requested an ambulance be put on standby, just in case. They ran towards her with a stretcher and loaded Lucas onto it.

Jack followed behind and got into the ambulance with them, “I am sorry ma’am, but you can’t be in here with us,” one of the guys said.

“Who’s gonna stop me, you?” And when he tried arguing with her, she screamed at him, “He is dying godammit, do something!”

They got into the ambulance and began their administrations as they drove to the hospital. The doctors were waiting and Lucas was wheeled to the operating room the instant they got there.
Jack paced the hall running her fingers through her hair. The elevator dinged open and Dimitri and Marion walked towards her.

“Did you find the bastardo that did this?” she asked Dimitri.


“Good. When I get my hands on him, he is not gonna like me.”
She sat on a chair and held her head in her hands. Her fedora lay abandoned on the chair.

“Its gonna be okay dear,” Marion said softly and wrapped an arm around her. Jack leaned into her. That was the first form of motherly affection she had ever received from anyone.

Jack sighed and stared at the pale white walls of the hospital. The distinctive smell of disinfectant, sanitizers and medicine permeating the air. She had never been to a hospital before, but she already hated it. This was not a nice first experience. She didn’t know how long she sat there with Dimitri and Marion, but the doctor finally came out of the theatre and she shot to her feet.

“He is in a stable condition now. The bullet missed his heart by a few inches, it didn't hit any vital organs. He was quite lucky, he will live. He has been moved to the best room in the ICU.”

Jack sighed in relief, “Thank you Dr….” she glanced at his name tag, “Dr King. Can I see him now?”

“No you can’t, sorry. He is unconscious and is being settled in as we speak.”

“I am not entering the room. I’m just gonna look through the window!” she snapped.

“Of course. Fifty-fifth room ... who did you say you were again?” The doctor asked peering at her through his glasses.

“None of your business,” Jack said and went in search of the room. She found it quickly, and there he was, with numerous tubes and devices connected to him. He wore a pale blue hospital gown, and his skin was as pale as the white sheets he lay on. A nurse was there fiddling with God-knows-what. She got all teary just looking at him, she'd almost lost him. It hurt her to see him lying there looking so helpless.

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