chapter 7

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Dominic had left earlier that morning for a conference in Italy. Jack had offered to drive him to the airport, but he had declined. So now, she sat nursing a cup of camomile tea and sulking in the kitchen.

She had been home for almost two weeks now and was getting used to the idea of waking up everyday and seeing her family. She sighed and sipped her tea. A girl came in wearing a hot pink crop top and short knickers. She stopped on catching sight of Jack.

“Who are you?” Jack asked using her pinky finger to stir her tea.

“I’m Angela, who are you?” she asked.

“Jack?” she said, or rather asked.

“Ohmigod! You are Jacqueline!” Angela gushed as she rushed over to hug her. Jack wasn’t a big fan of hugs, so she just sat still and let Angela do her thing.

“Lucas has told me so much about you. I’m so happy to finally meet you,” she said as she released Jack from her death grip and stretched out her hand. Jack took it, her grip was strong.

“I’m Angela, Dimitris daughter, but you can call me Angy. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Jack said. “I didn’t know Dimitri had a daughter.”

“Yeah, he doesn’t talk about me much,” Angy said taking a seat opposite Jack.

“You weren’t here when I arrived,” Jack said draining her tea and placing it in the sinks.

“I was away. On a mission in Paraguay, that’s why. I just arrived yesterday.”

Jack took in her features as she was talking. Angy was pretty, with short blonde hair and lovely doe eyes, like Dimitris. She looked like an angel, literally speaking. She was quite tall and could easily pass for a model. Jack was taller though, she stood at five feet six and a half inches tall.

“Hey, wanna watch a movie with me?”

Jack had nothing planned for the day, so she agreed, “Sure, why not.”

Angy squealed and ran to the living room to grab the remote. Jack followed and went to sit on the sofa, pulling her legs up to her chest. Angy sat on the other end of the sofa and began flipping through movies. “Lilo and Stitch?” she asked no one in particular, “No, seen it twice. How about Mulan? Nah..The lion king?” she asked turning to Jack.

“Don’t you have any movies with actual people? Not animations?” Jack asked, her frustration building.

“Of course. Hmm, lets see. Do you want a seasonal movie? Or just a movie movie. So many choices …. Tomb raider? Nope, seen it. How about Deadpool?”

Jack groaned in frustration and snapped, “I have never seen any of these movies, just put anyone for fucks sake!”

Lucas came in laughing, “Good luck with that. You’ll sleep and wake up before she makes a choice,” he said jumping over the sofa to sit in their middle, placing an arm around their shoulders. Jack shrugged him off and scooted away.

Angy ignored them both as she continued to search for the perfect movie. Having had enough, Jack leaned over and snatched the remote out of her hands and put the first thing she saw which just happened to be In Time.

“Ooh, you chose right. You’re gonna love it,” then they fell silent as the movie began to play.

Halfway through, Jack asked, “who is that?” and she pointed at the lead male character.

“You don’t know who that is?” Angy asked shocked.

“I wouldn’t ask if I knew,” Jack deadpanned.

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