chapter 2

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Turning her head to the side, Jack saw that it was already morning. 6:00am to be precise. She sat up and stretched like a cat, then she pressed the remote controlling the curtains, and they opened slowly.

It was indeed a beautiful and breathtaking sight.

She could see the sun just peeking over the horizon. It was already her favorite feature of the room. Standing up, she rubbed her face tiredly. She could see a few guards patrolling the ground and wondered if they could see her. She was wearing undies, its not like she was naked.

She walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, washing her face also. Then patted her face dry and walked into the closet. The lights turned on as she stepped in. Clothes ranging from ball gowns to jeans, leggings, skirts, dinner gowns, summer dresses, all the types of clothes she could think of were in the room, in different types of materials, silk, cotton, satin, wool, and they were all designers.

A whole part of the room was dedicated to different foot wears, boots, heels, converses, everything was present. At the center of the room was a wide table with different jewelleries, and at one end of the room was a vanity table with different make up products. Everything was sorted according to its colour and size.

It seemed like the person assigned to stock her closet had gone fashion crazy. The room was literally overflowing with items. She changed into black spandex shorts and a blue sports bra, wore her black running shoes, and packed her long dark hair into a ponytail.

As she jogged down the stairs, she heard some movement in the kitchen and Sisi dishing out instructions. She opened the door and stepped out into the cool air. It was still dark but getting brighter by the minutes.

She went for long runs everyday, and she was not going to stop now just because she was home. As she was stretching, she heard loud barks behind her and turned to see two huge Doberman pinschers running towards her, wagging their tails happily, and they tackled her to the ground.

"Heel!" she said laughing, and they sat down, their tails still hitting the floor excitedly.

She squatted down to their level and rubbed their sides as they attacked her face with licks and kisses. Others would have been scared by the ferocious looks of the dogs, but they were hers. Sugar was the female and Pablo, the male.

"Hey guys, I've missed you so much," she said kissing their faces. "Did you miss me?" she asked, and they barked in reply. Sometimes, she could swear they understood what she said.

She jumped up and down, did a couple of stretches before power walking to the gate, the dogs on either side of her.

The guards saw her coming and opened the gates. She walked then slowly turned it into a jog before breaking out into a run. Her athletic long legs moving fast. Sugar and Pablo were able to keep up with her fast pace. The dogs themselves loved running.

She did not stop running till she got to the small pond that marked the end of her father's property. She stopped and placed her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up and saw the electric fence surrounding her father's estate some ways away from the pond. Crouching, she stared at her reflection in the water, her face looked flush, and her hair was sticking to her face. She looked at Sugar lapping up water, Pablo was probably somewhere taking a dump in the bushes.

Sugar was breathing hard, "Does no one take you running?" she asked, and it turned to stare at her, its tongue lolling.

Sugar and Pablo were military trained dogs. A special breed of dogs made especially for the military ops. She had no idea how her father was able to get his hands on them. He must have called in a lot of favors and pulled a lot of strings. Pablo came back, and she waited patiently for it to drink.

When it was done, he came and rubbed his muzzle on her knees, and she reached down to scratch his ears.

"Wanna head back?" she asked, and they cocked their heads, as if considering her words. "Race you!" she said and took off running. They caught up with her easily and they ran back. They slowed down before they got to the house. If the guards saw her running like demons were chasing her, they would probably think she was loony. The sun had fully risen by the time they got home.


Steam fogged up the mirror, and she brought her hand up to clean it. She quickly brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth. Walking into her closet, she picked out a red tank top and black leather jacket and thigh high boots. She tried searching for booty shorts but could not find any, and she could not wear spandex. So, taking one of her black jeans, she ripped it and turned it into cut-offs. She also cut out the front pockets. Once she was dressed, she went down to meet Dominic and Lucas having breakfast.

"Morning papa," she greeted as she took a seat opposite of Lucas.
Lucas's jaw dropped at the sight of her.

"Hello little brother," she said as she reached over to close his still open mouth. She filled her cup with coffee and buttered her toast. Lucas glared at her and turned to Dominic to glare at him also.

"You never told me she was coming home," he stated accusingly.

"You never asked," Dominic said nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving the paper he was reading.

"Sounds like you don't want me around," Jack said blowing softly on her coffee.

Lucas's gaze slid back to her, and he grinned sheepishly, "Welcome sis."

She gave him a small smile and sipped her coffee. She had had a rocky relationship with Lucas because he knew she was adopted. And when they were little, he had used that fact against her, and it always made her cry. But she had grown older and accepted the fact that yes, she was adopted, but Dominic loved her, nonetheless. And Lucas did too, in his own...strange sort of a way. And she loved them both dearly. Though she would never tell Lucas that. He did not deserve to know.

After breakfast, she told them she was going out for a drive, Dominic retired to his study, and Lucas went to do God knows what. She went down to the garage, passing the different brands of cars ranging from Audis to convertibles to Bentleys to fords.

Jack ignored them all and went to the end of the garage to a sheet covered machine.

She pulled off the sheet, revealing her preference. A Suzuki V-strom 650 in glass sparkle black, a bell qualifier DLX matte black helmet sat on the seat. She had fallen in love with it at first sight and had claimed it as hers.

She did not need to worry about anyone touching it as no one rode a motorcycle except her. Lucas called it a death trap. No one laid a finger on it, except maybe the repair man. But there were not any damages she did not know how to fix herself. She squatted down to check and make sure that everything was in good condition.

And it was. It was in tip-top shape.

Dominic must have had it serviced the moment he knew she was coming home. She pulled the kick stand up and rolled the heavy machine out to the driveway. Once there, she swung her leg over the bike and sat down, she strapped on the helmet and tucked her hair in, pulled the clutch in, the kill switch on. Then she fired it up, and the engine roared to life.

The sound was lovely.

She revved the engine, warming it up and eased the clutch. Sugar and Pablo raised their heads to stare at her as she went by. Once she was out of the gate, she completely eased the clutch, shifted gears, and squeezed the throttle, making it go faster.

How she loved the sound it made, the vibration of the engine beneath her. The danger and thrill accompanied with riding a motorcycle. She lived for it all.


My neighbor actually has two dogs named Sugar and Pablo, they are alsatians. I've never touched them tho, cus they are nasty and bark at me a lot. But I'm good, I know I am, they just don't like me, lol.

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