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I could see why Giovanni favoured Roberto over Shavanni. Not only was he the child of his love but he was as ruthless and cold as his father.

The meeting was anything but peaceful. The plans they were putting in place would result in bloodshed and while Giovanni, Elia and Roberto looked pleased with themselves Vanni wasn't.

I had been around him enough times so I was used to his facial expressions. He didn't want any part of this.

"How is the child?" Giovanni asked and I snapped my eyes towards him.

"Sleeping," I replied and from his look, I noticed he wanted more information than that. "She was fed and bathed. She's also more relaxed."

"Has she tried to escape or play your weak heart into helping her out?" Elia taunted and I clenched my fists beneath the table.

"No. The most she has done is cry about her family, specifically about seeing her mother."

This caused Elia to giggle. "Oh, she won't be seeing her mother anytime soon, unless she survived that shot to the head."

Her words caused my eyes to widen and my heart slowed its pace. A sudden coldness washed over me and my heart wept for Diana.

I was about her age when I lost my mother and now, she was going to go through the same pain.

"I still don't see why you do that, mother. I was looking forward to having her a few more times. A big fuck you to Silvestre," Roberto whined as he sat with his legs propped on the wooden table, still in his suit from earlier.

"She was pregnant...the death of her and that baby is the biggest fuck you to Nio, trust me. After all, he is my stepson."

Roberto grinned. "I believe you are quite right mother...that was wicked even for you."

My aversion for the people around me grew as they laughed at a child's loss. Elia speaking as if she did not take two innocent lives and left a child motherless. My chest burned and my head started to pound as my temper only grew.

How could I have once considered either of them my family? How could I not see the darkness in their souls? Had I been so blind?

They were all monsters and we were supporting their ways, fighting for them... The accomplice was just as guilty as the offender.

"Can we move on to the plan?" Vanni's voice cut across the mocking laughter.

My eyes flickered over to him. His face was an expressionless mask but his eyes; I could see the fire burning within them, the abhorrence, and anger.

"Oh, I forgot sore topic," Roberto chuckled before smirking at his little brother.

"He is right. Let's continue," Giovanni piped up watching us with a humoured expression.

The conversation was then steered back to our plan but I couldn't take my eyes off Vanni.

He was still in his hoodie and sweat but he had dropped the hood. His jaw was clenched, looking sharp enough to cut diamonds and he worried his fingernail with his teeth in frustration. His icy gaze was pinned to his father as he talked, his hair lazily tousled.

I noticed a silver, hoop ring on the left side of his nose. I had always seen the spot and wondered but I had swept it under the rug as a dark spot.

It fitted him. He looked so much like the bad boy gangleader you would imagine, minus the stereotypical tattoos. Yet, he was not a bad boy nor did he want to be a gangleader...he was sweet and kind. He only wanted to be free to make his own choices...to be free from this hurtful life.

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