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Six years later

"Hey, kid!" I yelled as a kid ran out of my room down the wooden stairs.

That little brat snuck into my room and stole my Taurus necklace! Like really!

I rushed down the stairs after him.

There were at least 170 rooms in this goddamn place and he had to break into mine! What the hell was he even doing in the girls' quarters?

My crop top clung against my breasts, sweatpants that hung low on my hips and my barefoot hitting the wooden boards.

"Damn kid!" I shouted in annoyance.

I held the railing, propelling myself over it and onto on the next staircase. Catching onto my moves, he followed my example, gaining more speed but I was hot on his heels.

Damn he was fast.

He came to a railing housing bifurcated stairs, and in his haste ran left.

We were now in the living room. It had a crystal chandelier on the ceiling, a gold theme with red banners and there were about ten couches in the room.

We had a lot of kids here, sometimes the ten weren't enough.

I hit the mahogany railing in anger watching as he ran down the stairs.

I mentally laughed, wrong move kid.

The stair he was on would end under this one, his only way out would be to run this way because the dining hall doors were locked at night.

I quickly grabbed the railing, climbing over it and waited until I heard his footsteps coming this way.

As they approach, I jumped and I fell on top of him.


The kid groaned as I laid on top of him. I reached over grabbed my necklace out of his black hoodie and got off him.

"Damn, great take down babe!" screamed PJ from the stairs, catching her breath.

My Quirky best friend was in a black OVO T-shirt with a white shorts. Her red frizzy hair was in a ponytail and her green eyes shone with excitement.

"What do you think we should do with him?" I asked as I brought his hands to his back and pulled him up.

He was a good looking kid with blue eyes and black hair, even with a few bruises on his face and a busted lip.

PJ ran down the stairs to us before looking at the kid and giving him a small smile.

"Hey kid. Why are you here?" she asked softly.

"No esta conociendo, tu perra!" He spat.

She gasped taken back. I didn't blame her how dear he call her a bitch.

I tightened my hold on his arms and he winced.

"Conoczes Ella pregunta, ahora! Y en inglés!" I roared in his ear.

"Okay! Okay! I was being transported to a room when, I snuck away," he replied.

I released his arms and he pulled away. He rubbed his arms and glared at me.

"Who are you?" he spat. "You don't look like those scary bitches that fought to bring me here."

I raised a brow at him and smirked. They were bringing in new recruits so early? Weird.

This one here wasn't so bad, showed a lot of potential. I wondered if I could get him on my team to whip him into shape?

"I'm Paula-Jae but, everybody calls me PJ, like peanut butter and jelly!" she replied in an elated tone as she ran and shook his hand, vigorously.

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