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Hi everyone,✋

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Any who..





I sat in the seat, a seatbelt strapped tightly around my waist and a phone in my hands.

I tapped angrily at the screen as I played a Dragon Ballz game. The game was centered on a young Goku training with Master Yoshi and to pass the levels Goku had to jump over boxes.

Trust me it was not as easy as it sounded but I was enjoying it until a beeping sound caught my attention.

I groaned as I connected the phone to a power bank in my lap. This was the third time I had to charge it since the flight.

"Why is the battery running down so fast?" I asked not speaking to anyone in particular.

"Here let me see," said Vanni from the seat beside me and I looked over at him.

He was in a black hoodie, blue shirt, white pants and he had a blue beats headphone around his neck. He blonde hair was messy and it looked sexy that way.

I handed him the device and he leaned over to me so that I could see what he was doing.

"You see those three buttons at the bottom of the screen," I nodded. "Hold down on the right one - the option button and then the apps running in the background will pop up. Close them and they'll stop using the battery life."

I watched as he closed all the apps I've been in and handed me back the phone. I thanked him and went back to my game.

I was on a private jet heading to Atlanta, Georgia. Why? I don't really know.

Giovanni not too long informed us that the job would take us out of the country and into the U.S.

At first I was elated. Finally, I was going to be able to climb out of this hole and see the world, even if it was just Atlanta. It was somewhere I've never been to and I was looking forward to ir.

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