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"Mark, honey please make that thing shut up!" yelled Sanneca from the bedroom.

"I'm on it!" Mark said as he walked towards the tech room.

He ran a hand through his blond hair in annoyance.

He was watching WWE smack down and was quite enjoying it. Now, he had to get up off his couch, just to take care of a beeping sound.

Marcus groaned in protest, he wanted to sit back and watch his wrestling.

Why couldn't San—his beautiful wife silence the beeping?

Well, for one she couldn't take care of it because she was changing their little energizer bunny's diaper.

Honestly, it was almost like every day he got a dose coffee in his milk, the boy could play all freaking day without a nap. It was like he had no time to, he was too busy moving up and down.

If they didn't stop him or call him to eat he would go a whole day without eating. So, imagine trying to change his diaper - with all that energy he has - the room would get a new scenting or maybe even you.

He would be marking his territory in piss.

Now, that Mark came to think of it, taking care of a beep was better than taking over from San.

It would be like playing water war in there, only thing this was not ordinary water and you had nothing to spray back. It would be like turning on a facet when the tube is removed. Better duck or at least close your mouth.




Mark walked into the room, it was jade green with a yellow lights on the ceiling.

There was a semicircular table with electronic devices laid out on it, there were six monitors mounted on the wall - three in a row and two in a column - and there were two leather chairs in front of the table.

Mark sat in one and pushed himself towards the keyboard and monitors.

The clicks of the keys could be heard as he logged into the system - using the first three monitors - and a smile came on his face as the warm face of his love smiling at him came on the background.

Her red locks were curled and showered over her left shoulder, her hazel eyes were shining with joy and in her arms covered in a blue fluffy towel was their little bundle of joy at five months.

He had his mother's rich red curls and plump lips but he had Mark's grey eyes and facial structure.

He was quite a looker and in the future he would be one helluva lady's man.

Mark cracked his knuckles before he pressed a shortcut on the keyboard and the beeping stopped but a window came up on the screen.

He held his breath as he read the info in it, the heading was all it took to put him into temporary shock. Devil detected.

After six years, there was finally some movement at that old place and the devil himself was included in it.

Mark felt like jumping out of his chair and praising God for the discovery, finally a sign. Mark had been waiting for this, no they all had been waiting for it.

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