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"Okay, that's the last box, squirt," my father groaned as he carried the last of my belongings into the dorm room.

The small room had a bunk bed, a single window, beige walls and a single led light on the white ceiling. Her bag was on the bottom bunk, having called dibs since she was the first person her.

"Gracias Papá," I thanked as I walked up to him, a large smile on my face.

The last three years had been the best years of my life. Mom and Dad had agreed to staying in Spain since they didn't have any ties holding them to the states. They found a house in Jaca and even, secured jobs within the first month.

I would commute from the city to the compound for classes. Shan and Dimitri had added another building to the complex to serve as a makeshift school within the first three months and they taught from preschool to high school.

I could have joined a local school in Jaca but I wanted to be with my peers and spend as much time as possible with them before we all decided to part ways.

"I can't believe you're leaving us so soon," Dad grumbled as he pulled me into a hug, his warmth surrounding me. "We literally just got you back."

I giggled as he kissed my forehead, wrapping my arms around him. He rested his chin on my head, the heat from his body steeping through my long sleeved sweater. When he finally pulled back, his eyes glistened and a smile pulled at my lips.

"Are you crying dad? I'm only an hour away from home and I'll visit..." I teased causing Dad to narrow his eyes at me. "...and you were so sure Mom would be the one pulling the waterworks."

"I am not crying," he stated folding his arms, his muscle bugling from his black muscle shirt.

For his age, my dad was a looker and crazy fit, after all, he was a gym and self-defence coach. He looked like an older brother rather than my father and I almost barfed when the college girls catcalled him and complemented his ass in his jeans on his way up here.

"Sure you aren't," I stated before turning and checking out the small tiled bathroom to my left. It was smaller than what I had at the compound but so much nicer.

"Look who I found on my way up here," my mother said as she entered the room.

Walking out of the bathroom, I smiled widely as I spotted the familiar redhead.

"PJ," I yelled as I ran towards her, squeezing her tightly with my arms. "I thought you weren't coming to visit until tomorrow?"

"Hey SJ," she greeted with enthusiasm. "I was but then I got a drive from campus who was visiting someone here."

I pulled back with sparkling eyes as I took in her straighten and longer, red hair, her large, off-the-shoulder white T-shirt and Khaki shorts with pink flip-flops. It may be years later but her style regained the same with a few alterations.

"Sis-Sis," a cute, squeaky voice called out and I looked over to my mom who had on a floral all-in-one, a little toddler on her hip.

"Sis-Sis," my little sister called again and I moved towards her taking her from my mom.

"Hey, Dani." I cooed as I held her against my chest. "Are you going to miss Sis-Sis?"

Daniella Darquan nodded her head rapidly before squishing my cheeks with her hands and everyone chuckled as she blew a raspberry.

"I'll miss you," she declared and I smiled before kissing her cheek.

At two, she was the cutest toddler out there hands down. She had mom's bright green eyes and dad's brown and slightly straighter hair. The Minnie mouse look she was sporting now just made her more adorable.

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