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Giovanni drummed his fingers against the desk watching the screen of his IPad.

"We're almost there," Giovanni said staring at the little girl.

She was in a cell with a cot and a small table. She opted to sit on the floor, hugging her legs while resting her forehead against her bent knees. She didn't cry or yell since her arrival here, smart enough to know she had no chance of breaking out of here by herself.

Diana Blake that was her name. Silvestre's hidden daughter and Giovanni's key to power.

Giovanni had been planning this for years and soon all his hard work would pay off. He will gain power, immense power and no one would dare to fuck with him.

Cristiano Silvestre, the head of the Silvestre Mafia and Giovanni's target, was never known to have a weakness ...but now Giovanni had one of those weaknesses while his dear Elia had gotten rid of the other as a warning.

How easily the mighty fall because of loving weak women, Giovanni scoffed. That is why Shaneil will never stand by his son's side. She lacked the vigour her mother had...the thing that had drawn him to her.

"Yes we are my king. Nio has lost his woman, with time, he will slip up, and you will take over his empire," his lover and partner in crime said as she straddled his lap, caressing his faint stubble.

Elia Silvestre, widow of Charles' Silvestre, Cristiano's step mother, and the woman who assisted in her own husband's assassination.

She was someone Giovanni was not expecting. A woman scorned by an unfaithful husband; the emotional pain she went through because of her miscarriages and being cheated on moulding her.

No longer was she that meek, broken Cuban woman he has first met, waiting revenge on her cheating husband...

She was now cunning, merciless and downright wicked, a woman that could rule by Giovanni's side. A woman who could strengthen him and had birthed him his eldest son, Roberto.

"You've done well, my queen," Giovanni stated as he cupped the back of her neck. "You deserve a reward."

This brought a smile to her lips and when he kissed her there was nothing gentle about it. Teeth clashed, groans and growls ripped from their throats and his grip on her tightened until he was almost bruising her.

Elia pulled back, hungrily kissing his neck and slowly opening his shirt, unaffected by the blood on it. Her hands moved under the material and her need to please her king grew each second.

Giovanni finally shut off the IPad as she found the spot on his neck that made him lose his control. Elia was not one for gentle loving so when Giovanni cleared his desk, flinging her on top and fucked her like a wild animal, she welcomed it.

After all, pain was half the pleasure.


"I think you may have been too tough on the brat," Elia stated as she took a puff from her cigar.

Giovanni held her wrist and took a draw before puffing out rings of smoke that had Elia rolling her eyes.

"Show off," she muttered and Giovanni chuckled before mindlessly, playing with her nipple as his eyes trailed over the bruises on her body appreciatively.

They were resting in their bed, having brought the fuckfest upstairs and now, near midnight, they are having a smoke and reflecting on the day.

"She has yet to be fully exposed to our life and trigger that darkness inside her," Elia continued as she rested on Giovanni's chest.

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