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Vanni blinked at me as his lips came in contact with my hand. He leaned back and gave me a 'what the hell' look.

"You didn't think I would take you back did you?" I asked as I pushed out of his arms. "You left me Vanni, it hurt me and now you think I'll just jump back into your arms? It broke me Vanni, it tore me apart. I will never let you do that again," I said as I turned around and climbed out of water.

"I know I did and I won't break you again, DD. Just give me a second chance," he said a bit hurt. The water splashed as he came to the edge.

I stopped in my tracks, forcing myself not to turn around and look into his eyes, those captivating eyes. I reached down, grabbed my bag and draped it over my shoulder.

"Second chances aren't easy to get Vanni. Especially from me, you off all people should know that," I replied curtly and walked away, water dripping from my body.

I heard him sigh and forcefully hit the water. I could just imagine him running his hands through his hair. It took all in me not to run back into his arms and kiss him senseless.

Be strong, walk away, he doesn't deserve you. I thought as I entered the cluster of trees.


Bang, bang

I rolled in my bed.

Bang, bang

I pulled the pillow over my head.

Bang, bang, bang

I jutted from the bed and stormed over to the door swinging it open.

"What!?" I asked furiously.

I looked up at Vanni, his hand was raised like he was planning on knocking again. I glared at him as a sheepish smile crept on his lips. He was in a white T-shirt, grey sweat pants and Hollister slippers.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine? You look like a screaming banshee," he said amused.

I grunted and gave him a stink eye.

"Why the hell are you at my door this late in the night?" I asked irritated.

I was cranky, sleepy and not in the mood for bullshit. Never keep a girl from her beauty sleep, she'll end up looking like the Beast rather than Beauty.

I ran my hand through my hair, taking out the elastic band and redid my ponytail. There I'm more presentable.

"Giovanni sent me for you," he said as he looked at my appearance and licked his lips. "I would put on a shorts before I leave though. Those legs are distracting and so is that short T-shirt."

I looked down and blushed. I was in a T-shirt that reached mid-thigh and my long legs were shamelessly exposed. I looked at him, grabbed the door and backed up into the room.

"I'll be out in a minute."

I closed the door, switched on the light and looked over at PJ, sound asleep in her bed. I'm surprised her Vanni alarm didn't go off.

I walked over to my closet, pulling the bottom drawer and pulled on a black track pants. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, slipped on pink flip-flops and exited the room, turning off the light.

I looked up to see Vanni leaning on a wall, his arms crossed.

"One minute huh?" he mocked.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. "Let's go Ferrez."

I walked off and I could see him staring at ass from the corner of my eyes. "Take a picture it lasts longer."

He laughed, pushing off the wall and followed me. Vanni walked to the elevator and I looked at him puzzled.

"I'm not allowed to use it," I said.

"Now you are," he said.

It binged, opening and he stepped in. I stood there looking at it. Should I?

"Coming or not?" he asked.

I swallowed a lump and entered.

We were on the top floor in seconds, it was empty and the two guard dogs weren't at the door. I was about to knock when, Vanni placed his hand on my shoulder. I glared at him and he took it off. He took two jackets off the coat hooks and gave me a black one.

"Put this on," he said as he pulled on grey one.

"Why do I need-?"

"Just do it," he said curtly.

I shrugged and pulled on the jacket. It was a business jacket with two gold buttons and a pocket at the bottom on both sides. As I buttoned it up, Vanni walked over to me. He came close to my body and I tensed. He reach for my hair and pulled out the elastic band, my hair showering over shoulders.

He ran his hand through it while I stood looking in his baby blues. He smiled at stepped back.

"Looks better down," he stated. "Let's go."

He opened the door and stepped inside the room. I smiled at his gesture, it was loving.

I shook my head, my hair falling over my eyes. I tucked it behind my ears as I pushed the giddy feeling I got when he stroke my hair to the back of my mind.

Shavanni Ferrez was bad for me. I shouldn't get attacked or gain feelings for him. As much as tried to force that in my mind, my heart was having none of it. Why was my heart so stubborn?

Couldn't it just push him out? Throw him on the street? Drop him like a sack of hot potatoes?

Why is love so, unfair and twisty? Even after he hurt me, I want nothing more than to kiss his soft lips and get that butterfly effect in my tummy.

I groaned as I realized I was still standing outside. I pushed the door and entered. The room was the same as the last time except for the fact that the table was in the centre of the room rather than pushed away to a corner.

I looked up at the group of people in front of me. There was Vanni standing at the couch, Slutelia sitting on the couch along with a black haired girl– she was the one that helped kidnap me and the cashier – my fists clenched as I saw her face. Alongside her was her mother, she had the scar from the mug on her face and I smiled at that, served her right.

The three bitcheteers were in suits, Slutelia a red and the others in grey. They rolled their eyes at me and shifted uncomfortably. I smirked and looked around to come in contact with our leader.

Giovanni was in a grey suit, the jacket hugged his figure perfectly, he was cleanly shaved, his hair was gelled back and his blue eyes looked at me intensely.

"Welcome to your pledge ceremony," he said with a serious tone.

Officially back!

Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays!

I will aim to get this finished by year end.

Stay Safe!

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