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I yawned as I rose my head from the leather seat. I looked around, my eyes a bit blurry.

I saw Giovanni in the driver's seat and Vanni in the front passenger's seat.

I sat up and Vanni looked at me through the mirror. He smiled and I returned the gesture. He mouthed 'banshee' and instinctively my hands shot to my hair.

He chuckled and I glared at him. Pouting, I folded my arms before flipping him off in the mirror and my eyes found Giovanni's. He looked at me with a raised brow, and I blushed, looked away.

The flight after that exhilarating speech (note sarcasm) was boring... so boring that I fell asleep. I remembered being lazily pulled from the plane to the car and that I slept most of the drive here, wherever here is.

I stretched my arms and sighed. "Where are we?"

Giovanni gripped the wheel firmly, stopping at a pillar and punching in digits into a keypad. "My Atlanta Compound."

"Oh," I ran my hand through my hair and looked through the window.

The fence was made of bricks and had wires at the top, just like the one in Spain.

He drove in and I take notice of the surroundings.

There is a healthy garden at the right corner of the fence, a tree to the left of that garden and it had a swing on it. The lawn was low cut, there was a paved driveway with flowers adorning the edges, they were Sapphire in colour just like Giovanni and Vanni's eyes. There was a small fountain in the centre of the driveway, with a statue of a Greek God, Ares if my memory serves me right...

Giovanni pulled up to a brick building with two large red doors and potted plants on both side of those doors. The windows were grilled and wooden. The house looked like a penitentiary.

Feels like home...

Giovanni and Vanni exited the car and I followed them.

A man in a full suit of black came towards us. He had green eyes, black hair and he was fairly good looking.

"Mr. Ferrez, Shavanni and... who may I ask are you, beautiful?" he said looking at me, curiously.

"I'm Shaneil," I said holding out my hand.

"Shaneil," he said taking my hand and kissing it. "Beautiful name."

His eyes held mine and I blushed. He was sweet.

"Thanks..." I say with a smile.

Vanni chose them to clear his throat and the guy dropped my hand.


"I'm DJ," he said to me.

"May I take your luggage?" he turned to Giovanni.

"In the trunk," Vanni said curtly and walked off grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

I saw Giovanni walking away, not the least interested in what was going on around him. I looked at Vanni and glared, he was behaving rude.

It wasn't like DJ did anything to me.

I struggled to keep up with him as he dashed into the hall.

"Slow down Vanni," I complained as he turned a corner.

He walked faster and pulled me into a corner. He slammed my back against the wall, placing my hands over my head and kissed me.

I kissed him back just as aggressively as he was kissing me, getting a little distracted by his lips.

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