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After that night Vanni went away and I waited for the year to be over. Everyday missing him only for him not to come back.

Giovanni said he called but he never asked about me or left any messages for me.

I cried that night he didn't come back and from that day forth I kept my heart on lock down and my guard up.

It was silly for me to go through this at age 13 over something that was seen as puppy love but him leaving me, destroyed me.

Now he was back and he wanted back into my heart. Tough luck.

I emerged from the wet abyss, gasping for air and ran my hands through hair, raking it from my face. I laid back in the blue waters, running my hands in it, creating waves.

I was in a blue sports bra and a pink shorts.

The water was up to my neck, and it cooled my entire being. My hair floated around in the water, flowing with the ripples.

My mind running wild thinking of Shavanni Ferrez.

Vanni calling me DD made my heart flutter, the sound was heavenly. Just seeing him unravelled me, his smooth skin – I was itching to touch, his baby blues that bore my soul, his dirty blond hair which I wanted to play in and his thin pink lips that I wanted to devour.

I wanted to kiss him so bad, to feel his soft, delicate lips move against mine and feel his arms wrap around me holding me tight, never wanting to let me go. That made me feel like I was the only one he wanted, like I was his lifeline and like I was loved.

I dipped under the water again. The cold water in my face knocked me out of those crazy thoughts. I was being naïve Vanni never loved me and he never will.

I swam down, holding on grey rocks covered in moss, moving slowly so I wouldn't overwork my aching side. The pain was subsiding but there was excruciating pain below my stomach when I moved.

The water plants wrapped around some of the rocks, decorating them. They flourished at the areas near to the light, some entangled each other fighting for space while some crawled up the rock seeking other light prone places.

I swam farther down – passing little fishes swimming around at the bottom. The basin started to get narrow and curved upwards. I stopped at the clustered layer of rocks and mentally sighed.

I reached out and stroked the surface. One day I will escape this place, I will run away and be free. Even if it meant leaving Vanni behind and starting over without him.

They say if you love something let it go and if it belongs to you it would come back.

I let Vanni go once, would I be able to do it again? And will he come back to me again?

I swam back up, gasping as I approached the surface. I sighed and closed my eyes enjoying the silence. Thoughts of Vanni clouded my mind, confusing me. I needed to get over him.

He wasn't a skyscraper and I was not a midget so, why couldn't I?

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

I opened my eyes and whipped my head towards the voice.

My brown eyes came in contact with familiar blue ones. I grunted as I saw Vanni leaning on a tree his hands crossed over his chest. He was in a blue marina and white and blue shorts. I rolled my eyes at him and scowled.

"Why are you here?"

He smiled and walked over towards me. "Well I was walking around when I saw a familiar trap door open up and a brown haired girl dash towards the forest. And I was like who could that be? So I followed her and she turned out to be a cute, sexy and feisty little vixen."

I rolled my eyes again. Who did he think he was charming?

"So, May I join you?" he asked with a smile.

"How about you go jump off a cliff?"

"I'll take that as a yes," he wasted no time ridding himself of his shirt.

My eyes opened wide as I took him in. He was ripped with an eight pack. Vanni had a sandy tone skin covered in sweat– probably from following me– that shone in the moonlight. His pecks were defined and looked like if you threw a berry at them it would bounce right back.

Just like in journey to the mysterious island, I wonder if he can do the peck pop of love?

Why are you eye fucking him, Shaneil?

Get your eyes off him!

"Had an eye full?" he asked raising a brow.

I blushed, holding down my head and he laughed. Vanni stepped towards me and popped his pecks while stretching his arms up.

My mouth dropped, I was awestruck.

Guess the Rock was right, women do respond to it, like damn!

"Close your mouth DD. I know I'm sexy but it's not nice to stare."

I scoffed and spun around.

"Cannon ball!"


I was splashed forcefully with water as Vanni jumped in. I spun around angrily. "Where are you?! I'm gonna kill you for that!"

I looked around furiously, he was nowhere in sight. Suddenly I was lifted upwards, my legs on someone's shoulder and in the blink of an eye I was dunked backwards.

I pushed to the surface, I whipping my hair like a wet dog would. Moving the wet hair from my face, laughter erupted from my throat.

Or was it his? It was his!

I laughed boisterously. "Oh my god you sound like a dolphin! I guess everything but your laugh matured!"

He glared at me.

Vanni looked cute with his hair clinging to his forehead, his nose scrunched and his glaring eyes.

In an instant he lunged at me, I jumped back in fright and turned around, retreating. Strong arms grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I laughed, the pain from my side was evident but I was having too much fun to notice it much. He spun us around, water splashing everywhere. He released me into the water and I sunk.

I swam towards him and pulled him down. Vanni grabbed me and pulled me towards him. He pushed us up to the surface and I laughed with glee.

He laughed as well. I looked at him and froze. His eyes were holding my gaze, his hands tightened around me and we were swished together.

His breath was against my lips. I could feel his hands on my side stroking it, gently. This was exactly like it was the last time we were here.

The pain, the warmth of his body and the chemistry between us.

Could I forgive him? Could I let him in? Should I?

His head dipped down towards my lips and time slowed down.

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