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I pulled down the dress as I stepped out of the shiny black limo.

It was a long red dress that glittered with movement, it had a sweetheart bust and a split on the right, stopping mid-thigh. I also wore purple elbow long gloves and on my head I wore a red wig that was laid really well.

This event was a costume party and I was going as Jessica Rabbit.

It wasn't a costume of my choice, I was going as Jessica Rabbit just because that nerd of a secretary wanted it.

More on that later, for now I was trying not to feel disgusted by all these older men staring at me.

A man in a black mask stood at the top of the stone stairs staring at me. It felt weird.

Now I know how Vanni felt when all those girls were eye fucking him. Violated.

Someone in a silver suit stepped in front of me and I looked up to see familiar blue orbs. I smiled at him, he looked dashing.

Vanni was in a silver mask with red trimmings around the edges, a silver suit with a red tie and his hair was gelled back.

"You look stunning DD..." he said giving me a once over. "...or should I say Dejanae?"

I smiled at his complement but soon frowned at that name. "DD was fine."

I walked pass him my red heels tapping on the stone stairs. I fixed my purple mask with my hands, my dress glittering as my hips swing.

Honestly, I don't see how red and violet complement each other but it was with the costume so I had to work with it.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Vanni said as he grabbed my arm, halting me. "I know the role you have may not be the best but you have to do it."

I looked at him with a brow raise. "This role is disgusting and it makes me wonder if this is how you see me."

I pulled away and continued up the stairs. I heard his footsteps behind me before I felt my feet leave the ground. I kicked and trashed, telling him to put me down.

A few people stared at us and Vanni just made up a lie that I was drunk.

He walked us over to the corner of the big stone building and placed me down. My back hit the wall immediately and I gasped in surprise.

"You are nothing like that Shaneil. You have so much more class and pride... Plus, you're priceless," he whispered his lips moving close to mine.

"So why do I have to stoop so low?" I asked.

"It's just this once. Just for this job DD; then it's over," he leaned in and peck my lips. "Plus, I'll be there to protect you if something goes wrong."

I moved forward and captured his lips in a tastier kiss. He tasted like mint.

He pulled away and smiled at me. "Are you ready my lady?"

He stepped back and held out his hand.

"I am," I said as I took his hand and we walked into the building.


The night was rather boring. I danced with men who offered, drank little to nothing since I wasn't a fan of alcohol, and during all that I had to stay close to Vanni.

He wasn't too please with other guys dancing with me but he had to act normal and non-possessive.

I broke away from the blonde in a white mask and black suit with a smile. "I'm sorry but it's time this dance came to an end."

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