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I couldn't believe I did that.


I allowed that psycho place a mark on my skin!

Hit, hit, hit

... It stung like a bitch.

Hit, hit, hit


I rested my hands on my knees as I caught my breath. I had been pounding a bean bag for the last hour and now my hands were aching.

Reason? I was angry and I needed to let off steam... I know right great stress reliever.

Luckily for me I was alone down here and that meant I had the room and its machines to myself. The reason why was that everyone was in the backyard enjoying their day off. Today was Sunday - a holy day according to Giovanni's belief- so we had no drills or training, just pure relaxation.

The kids usually made good use of this day, they would play various types of games or find a cool shade under a tree and kicked back giving their bodies a rest. After all they are just children, they needed a pain free day.


I sighed as my mind wondered back to what occurred a few hours ago. Last night - well, technically this morning was unforgettable in a bad way. One, the feeling of needles piercing my skin because of that damn tattoo - like how the hell do people stand it or even return for more? Two, the amused look in Giovanni's eyes as I cried in pain and three the fact that I gave away my life to the devil - Giovanni.

Was I mad to hand him my life on a silver platter or was I just so desperate to escape the sense of loneliness within me that I played along, in the end trapping myself?

"Maybe I'm both," I groaned as I stood up straight, stretched my arms and walked over to the weights area of the gym. "Mad and Desperate."

I was in the basement of the building which was our gym, it was grey with different workout machines adorning the place, and it had a black mat to the side used for fights and abdominal workouts. It had blood stains on the floor - sometimes the fights got out of hand and it reeked of sweat.

I was in a blue sports bra, black track pants and I was dripping in sweat.

I grabbed two twenty pounds, placed my hand in front of my body at a 90° angle and brought it up to my shoulder, then brought it down.

I loved to work out in the mornings it usually woke up my brain and body to the obstacles in my day. I was what you called a gym freak, I would spend nights, even days in the gym just letting off steam.

That was one of the reasons Giovanni favoured me, I was a hard worker and would do extra work if necessary. He would always pet my head and praise me- in his twisted ways.

You're like the devil's pet... You're doing good Shaneil next you might just end up being his mistress. I shivered as at that thought.

Never in a million years.

I continued this workout for a while - increasing the weight as I went - until I was worn out. I grabbed my towel and emptied my water bottle. I ascended the stairs, climbing two at a time and made my way to the elevator.

Perks of being a gang member... No stairs! I cheered.

Remember that what sweets you now will end up souring you in the end. A voice in my head retorted as I stepped into the elevator.

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