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I was nervous. This was the day.

We were already at Giovanni's vacation house by the beach, deep in the woods.

The beauty of Giovanni's vacation house was breath-taking, my mouth had hung open at the sight. With stone and concrete structures, multiple arches, columns and multiple balconies, it looked imperial...rich... traditional. The building had three floors respective to the ground floor and on the slabbed roof sat a helipad to aid in a quick getaway if things went south.

The children were situated all over the area in masks and suit with weapons. My stomach had not settled since last night. I could already feel everything going wrong and I hated it.

We had trained them to the best of their ability but was it enough? Would they survive, if a fight arose?

My head was pulsing and I felt nauseous. My hands had long started to tremble and I was breaking out in sweat. An overreaction, maybe but you wouldn't understand unless you were in my position. I may have grown-up in the gang life but I was not exposed to it.

Death, killing...it scared me...

The sound of tires crunching against the gravel met my ears and I knew that they were here. This was it.

The cool sea breeze blew against my face, cooling me and I looked out at the rough glistening waters. The ocean was beautiful, free to wash at whatever shore it pleased and a force to be reckoned with. I had never experienced what it was like to play and frolic in its waters or even feel the sand under my feet. It was something my mom promised me while living in Florida but we never really had the time or chance...

My hands tightened on the iron railings as footsteps entered the back patio. Her voice pierced the air and I stiffened turning to stare at Elia.

"Get into position, brat and do not fuck this up," she hissed sitting at the patio table and I clenched my fists before standing behind her, a gun in hand.

Giovanni, his sons and three men walked towards us, Giovanni at the front and his sons at the rear. The men were tall, dark and handsome. They all had dark hair and wore suits. The man at the front in a dark blue suit was to one to catch my attention, his blue-green eyes similar to Diana's. He was her father. The Mafia Boss. The leader.

My eyes went to Vanni who was looking straight at me, his gaze showing something rather than indifference. I looked away, strengthening my detached expression, refusing to think about that now.

Elia looked towards them with a smirk and the leader eyed her with deep hatred.

She sat lazily in stylish jumper, her hair in a ponytail while I was in a well-tailored pantsuit. Giovanni was in a black suit, similar to Roberto while Vanni wore a grey suit with a vest rather than a jacket.

Giovanni took a seat next to Elia, placing a kiss on her lips before looking up at the man with a raised brow. Elia smiled at the leader coyly, tilting her head and a playful look in her eyes as the Ferrez brothers came to stand beside me.

"Take a seat Silvestre," Giovanni smirked and the man took a seat opposite them, his two henchmen staring daggers at Elia.

"Anything to drink?" Giovanni asked and he declined.

"Fine. Shaneil, get Elia and I a drink from the kitchen," Giovanni said, gesturing to me and I nodded before making my way to the kitchen, collecting their drinks.

My heart pounding as PJ who stood behind the marble counter gave me a shaky smile.

Everything will be fine, she mouthed and I nodded before heading to the patio.

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