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I felt his hot breath against my neck, it gave me chills the good kind, just like before.

I closed my eyes for a minute enjoying the warmth then, abruptly jumped away.

I whipped my head around ready to attack him verbally when a lump formed in my throat.

He was absolutely stunning.

His dirty blond hair was short with a messy and sexy look. His face was absolutely breathtaking, sapphire eyes and thin delectable lips. Dressed in a black hoodie, khaki shorts and black shoes, he was a sight to behold.

He made this casual look, look so, classy and sexy. He was good mixed with a little danger. The intoxicating and addictive kind of drug, you couldn't do without.

His hands were in his pockets, he was looking at me with a smirk. My heart did a back flip, that smirk always got m-

"May I volunteer?" he asked snapping me out of that little trance. "Or are you going to keep looking at me like a piece of meat?"

My cheeks heated up, while he smirked. Damn him!

"Sure," I replied looking to see all the kids staring at us.

He flashed me a smile and I shook my head, composing myself before getting ready to fight him.

The kids cleared the mat and watching us like hawks. Vanni pulled off his hoodie, revealing a white V neck shirt. He threw the hoodie behind him, took off this shoes and stepped on the mat.

Vanni looked at me, amused and signalled for me to attack. Not disappointing him I pushed forward with a front kick which he side stepped.

I brought my body forward touching my toes, missing his hand as it swung over my head. I brought my right leg up hitting his head, he staggered back a bit disorientated.

I backflip, landing upright and looked him. He shakes his head with a grin.

Vanni shook his head and smirked. "You have improved DD but, I'm still better."

Vanni ran forward, swinging his fists at me. I dodged them and aimed for his stomach. He caught my hand and pulled me forward. I bent my torso, bringing my left leg up and hit his head, hard.

He released my hand and I hit him in his gut.

How dare he call me that after he left me for four years without a call, postcard or even a damn pigeon bearing a message!

Vanni smiled and I narrowed my eyes at him.

He wasn't fighting me to his full strength and skill. He was going easy on me.

Why that little- he was just playing with me!

"Hey, Ferrez! I want a real fight not your damn games!" I shouted in anger.

He looked at me, reading my eyes before nodding. "If that is what you want."

"It is!"

Without hesitation he came towards me. I blocked his first punch only for him to kick my leg. I blocked him swinging a punch at him which he dodged. He then swung his fists at me causing me to block and I am taken off guard as his foot crashed into my side.

I was flung down, my head hitting the mat. I grabbed my waist and groaned as pain hit me. He gave me one hit and I was down.

That's why he was holding back. Hell!

I struggled to get up and upon noticing that he walked over to me.

I held up my hand, stopping him. "No, I'll pick myself up."

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