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I sat in a small room shaking.

There were two chairs packed on a small table and a couch leaning on the wall.

They were all broken or used, there was a bar above me going horizontally and on it were jackets.

There were shoes at my feet and it was dark. I was on punishment.

I had taken a fork and stabbed Elia. She was shouting at me to eat some food and I didn't want to. She grabbed my arm tightly and I stabbed her. She then took me up by my hair and threw me in the closet.

I was scared and far from home.

They took me on an airplane out of the country and now we were in Spain.

We were at an apartment Giovanni had up here. They talked about moving me to a facility but that they said would wait until tomorrow.

I hugged my knees to my chest, softly crying. My stomach suddenly rumbled, it had been ten hours since my last meal in Miami.

I hugged my tummy and cried. I was hungry and I was alone, no one was coming to help me, no one.


Suddenly the sound of a lock clicking caught my attention.

I looked up to see a boy with a flashlight and a plate walk in. He closed the door behind him and sat down. He placed the light up so it was shining on the ceiling, dimly lighting up the room.

He was cute, he had blond hair, blue eyes and his skin was a bit tan. He was in blue pyjamas, shorts and shirt.

He looked at me smiled and pushed the plate to me. I was too hungry to deny it. As far as I knew they wanted me alive so they wouldn't kill me.

I grabbed it, eating the fried chicken and fries greedily.

"Slow down, you'll choke," he whispered, smiling.

I swallowed with smile, looking at him. "Who are you?"

"My name is Shavanni but you can call me Vanni," he said smiling. He had a cute smile.

"Are you Giovanni's son?" I asked.

He nodded. "Who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Shaneil..... M-my mother was k-killed and now I have to stay here. And I'm all alone with no one to protect me," I said wiping away my tears.

Damn, pull yourself together! I chased myself as I cried my pitiful eyes out.

"I'll protect you," he said sweetly and I looked up at him in shock.

"You will?"

"Yeah, I'll be your friend. Your knight in shining armour! I'll protect you from the boogie man with this," he was on his feet by now and he was holding up an arm pointing to an undeveloped muscle.

I laughed. "With that flabby thing, I rather just surrender to the boogie man, now."

I held out my hands in surrender, laughing.

Vanni glared at me.

"You'll see. I'll be big and strong and I will stay and protect you Shaneil," he said as he sat down.

"You promise you'll stay with me and protect me?"

He nodded. "Promise."

"Pinky promise?" I asked holding out my pinky.

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