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Various sounds radiated from the kitchen, from the pot boiling, seasonings being cut to the pitter patter of Shania's feet as she moved about.

Daniel sat on the couch, laptop on lap checking his emails. He had befriended a few hackers in his late teen years so getting information on someone was easy but Giovanni Ferrez hid his trails well. There was very few information on him.

According to the information the hackers acquired and relayed to Daniel, Giovanni was a clean slipped, law abiding citizen.

Bullshit, he thought. That man was the devil's reincarnation.

He tapped at the keys angrily as another hacker came up empty. No new information on Shaneil, the only information they got was from six years ago.

They had even checked the airlines and private strips to see where Giovanni had disappeared to six years prior. He planted a fake flight plan and while they were looking for him in Washington he snuck away to some other country. That man knew how to make himself look invisible and innocent. One thing he was not.

That demon had his way with the one person I loved and I would be damned before I let him do the same to my daughter.

He mentally flinched at that thought.

That bastard Giovanni touched the love of his life, his wife without her consent! He raped her! He placed his fucking hands on her perfect body and abused her rights.

Each time he thought about it his fists clenched and he wished Giovanni was here so he could punch him in the face.

It was becoming crucial to find Shaneil each day. Who knew what Giovanni could do to her? He was a pig, pervert, rapist and a disgusting human being in disguise. His physical physique made him look alluring and of pure thoughts but that cascade was the total opposite of his real self.

A beep distracted Daniel from his thoughts as a message popped up. He pressed the message and the screen went black.

A few seconds later a message popped up on the command line interface made him freeze in place.

To: Danniboy

From: MarkXtreme

We found Shaneil.

He found her? He found her?!

Relief washed over his whole being and he wanted to jump to his feet dancing jubilantly before dropping to his knees and thanking the lord. He would have but he didn't want to arise any suspicion in Shania's mind. If Shania knew that Shaneil was spotted she would be on the next plane to wherever she was, putting herself in danger to get back her daughter.

He wanted Shania safe and away from the battlefield but she wouldn't agree if she knew where Shaneil was. That motherly instinct in her would takeover causing her to throw herself in danger for her child.

Daniel contained his excitement on the surface but inside he was running and screaming for joy.

They found her, they found his baby girl.

The daughter he barely knew, barely spent time with and the daughter he once thought he had lost.

Quickly he replied to Mark's message.

To: MarkXtreme

From: Danniboy

Finally! You don't know how happy I am to hear that. I'll be at your home in Atlanta in a few days to see what you guys have found. Keep an eye on her until then, I'll be there soon.

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