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I pushed open the wooden door, stepping in and closing it behind me.

I then took a deep breath and walked into the room.

The interior was dark green, there was a black leather sofa in the centre, a glass table pushed to the side with a bottle of wine on it, a red carpet on the floor and a ceiling fan with four light bulbs.

I walked in farther, as I approached I heard grunts and cries of pain. I winced a bit.

What was happening in there? Was he torturing someone?

I walked until, I was at a wall and peeked in. I was surprised by what I saw,not what you expected from the leader of a gang.

Giovanni Ferrez, our leader, our 'father', was holding Wii controllers in his hands, fisting, delivering uppercuts and blocking.

I looked at the flat screen Samsung TV mounted on the wall to see a video game on it.

He was boxing.

Not wanting to be caught staring, I stepped in and cleared my throat causing him to look up at me.

Giovanni Ferrez was still as handsome as before, his dirty blond hair was cut short giving him a youthful look, he had a stubble and he was still as ripped as before.

He had a great outer appearance but his interior didn't reflect it.

Daddy G, as we call him, was in a black sweatpants with a white marina, sweating up a river.

He punched the guy on the screen knocking him out and then faced me, swiping sweat from his forehead.

I stood up as straight as a plumbline when he approached. He looks me over before raising his hand, holding out a controller and I took it cautiously.

"Come and play, Gem," he said in a playful voice. "Put up a better fight than this computer generated whimp."

Daddy G flashes me a smile before making his way towards the TV.

I was not use to him being so friendly and seeing him in casual clothes. He usually looked serious, never smiling and mostly wore suits or training outfits.

He stopped in the cleared area in front of the couch and put the game on multiplayer.

I walked over and stood beside him. I felt unease, this was foreign for me.

The Leader of the Atlanta Cobras being nice? Giovanni barely even spoke to me unless he was commending me on doing well in a fight or when he was training me.

Sounds played from the TV telling me the game started. Round one.

I was black woman in blue trunks and a matching tank top and Daddy G was a dude with a Mohawk and red trunks.

He put up his arms, guarding. I did the same before taking a chance at attacking him with a punch and he dodged.

"So, Shaneil you must be wondering why your here?" he asked as he punched my player in her face.

I took that opportunity to land an uppercut.

His player stumbled back, I crashed my fist with his player's face and then did another uppercut. "Yes sir."

He blocked and side punched. I dodged and as I came back to attack he landed an uppercut. He came with a combo of side punches and I fell down.

I shook the controller and soon I was on my feet, my guard up.

"Tomorrow Vanni is returning," he stated, casually.

I stiffened and my heart flattered at his words. Vanni was coming back after four years. He was coming back.

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