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"Y-you're what?" I asked my voice shaking.

Vanni and I were in my room, it was peaceful night. Birds were chirping, the wind was whispering and the clouds returned home after a long day of hiding behind the sun. The moon was shining down on her children, wishing them a good night's sleep and to those nocturnal happy hunting.

Yes, the night was peaceful and everyone was happy except for me.

"I'm leaving DD. Dad is sending me to train in the st-"

"You're leaving?! You're leaving me alone?!" I cried as I sunk down on the floor, tears streaming down my eyes.

He was leaving, the one person I trusted to stay with me, protect me and care for me.

I was going to be alone, he was going to leave me like how my mother left me.

His father was taking him away from me, just like how my father took my mother from me.

It was happening again, I was going to be alone.... Abandoned.

I pulled away from him as he tried to explain.

I ran to the closet, closing the door and sinking to the back. My back came in contact with a knob and I turned around to look at it.

Suddenly Vanni knocked on the door, I grabbed the knob turned it and the door opened. I crawled through it just as Vanni opened the closet door.

I looked around and found myself in a corridor of some sort, it was illuminated by a crack in the roof where the moon shone through. I looked at the bare brown walls, the dust floating in the rays of the moonlight and there were cobwebs.

"DD?" Vanni called.

Not wanting to face Vanni, I ran down the empty, narrow corridor my feet echoing on the walls. I heard Vanni's footsteps coming behind me, I picked up speed and came to a stop at the end. There was a ladder made of rope and board, it was leading down into a dark abyss.

"DD!" shouted Vanni, his voice echoing around me.

I dropped to the floor, climbing down the ladder. As I reached the bottom, I could hear Vanni approaching the ladder.

"DD are you down there?" he asked, his voice sad.

I stood still, covering my mouth. I didn't want him to hear me and I didn't want my sobs or laboured breaths to give me up. I slowly stepped back when something ran up my leg.

I released a scream, startled and I started to run blind. I heard Vanni screaming my name but I was too scared to turn back. I looked ahead and saw a ray of moonlight shining down. I ran to it and there again was another ladder. Wasting no time I climbed up, pushed up the door above me and climbed out.

I looked around and found myself at the back of the complex behind the brick fence, they had built to keep us in. I was free!

I looked ahead to the forest and ran. I was going to runaway be by myself, far away from the worries of my life. I was going to be truly alone and may I find my happiness somewhere, anywhere but here.

I ran through the forest, my feet were tiring but I wasn't going to give up. I was going to be rid of these people that lie to me and pretend to care only to let you down in the end.

Suddenly, my foot hit on a rock, I fell down, my knee hitting another rock. I cried out in pain, doubling over.

I rolled and screamed as the pain struck. I was hurt, my knee was aching, stinging, tingling and the worst thing was that... I was alone.

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